Hello everyone!
It’s August, which for some of us means we’re at the peak of summer, and for others it starts to feel like the fall semester is getting close. The University of Michigan starts classes on August 29 this year, which is unusually early, so many of us here are starting to think about teaching and taking classes again.
I’m writing with the first of a series of updates about the Jebel Barkal Archaeological Project as we start to plan our field season for winter of 2023. Our team has been busy over the summer, and many of us are focused on the big conference of the International Society for Nubian Studies (https://nubianstudies.org/), which takes place every four years and will be held August 28 – September 3 this year at the University of Warsaw.
Our team working at Jebel Barkal and El-Kurru is presenting no less than eight papers at this conference! Unfortunately, there will be no online/remote option, but we will all be looking for ways to speak about our results in other venues after the conference.
Here are the talks we have planned:
- Geoff Emberling, “The City and Dynasty of Napata (Jebel Barkal): Current Research Questions” (keynote)
- Tim Skuldbøl and Geoff Emberling, “Rediscovering the Lost City of Napata. First Results of the Jebel Barkal Archaeological Project (JBAP)”
- Saskia Buechner-Matthews, “Scratching the Surface: Handling and Quantifying Pottery from Surface Clearance—A Finds Office at Jebel Barkal East Mound”
- Dobiesława Bagińska, “The Napatan and Meroitic Pottery from East Mound at Jebel Barkal”
- Burkart Ullrich, Rudolf Kniess, Gregory Tucker, and Pawel Wolf, “Geophysical Prospection at Jebel Barkal and Beyond”
- Fawzi Bakhiet and Geoff Emberling, “Settlement in the Heartland of Napata: A Synthesis of Survey Research around Jebel Barkal”
- Anwar Mahjoub, Geoff Emberling, and Sami Elamin, “Complexities of Collaboration in Postcolonial Archaeology: The Community Heritage Center at El-Kurru”
- Jacke Phillips, “Two Large Basins at Kurru”
Stay tuned for further updates on our summer research and our plans for the next excavation season!