2021 Killarney Bay: The Archaeology of an Early Middle Woodland Aggregation Site in the Northern Great Lakes (edited by David Brose, Patrick Julig, and John O’Shea). Memoir 59, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
The archaeological site at Killarney Bay, on the northeast side of Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada, has attracted and mystified archaeologists for decades. The quantities of copper artifacts, exotic cherts, and long-distance trade goods all highlight the importance of the site during its time of occupation. Yet researchers have struggled to date the site or assign it to a particular cultural tradition, since the artifacts and mortuary components do not precisely match those of other sites and assemblages in the Upper Great Lakes. The history of archaeological investigation at Killarney Bay stretches across parts of three centuries and involves field schools from universities in two countries (Laurentian University in Canada and the University of Michigan in the United States). This volume pulls together the results from all prior research at the site and represents the first comprehensive report ever published on the excavations and finds at Killarney Bay. 157 color and b&w photographs and maps and 93 tables.
Contributions by Lisa Marie Anselmi, Barbara Brose, William Fox, Balz Kamber, Darrel Long, Jordan Mathieu, John H. McAndrews, Andrew Meehan, Mary E. Malainey, Amy Nicodemus, Colin Quinn, J. Amadeaus Scott, and Kristin Thor.

Sonnenburg, Lemke and O’Shea (Editors) 2015, Caribou Hunting in the Upper Great Lakes: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Paleoenvironmental Perspectives. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Memoirs, No. 57
Bringing together American and Canadian scholars of Great Lakes prehistory to provide a holistic picture of caribou hunters, this volume covers such diverse topics as paleoenvironmental reconstruction, ethnographic surveys of hunting features with Native informants in Canada, and underwater archaeological research, and presents a synthetic model of ancient caribou hunters in the Great Lakes region. This book is well suited for anyone with interests in Great Lakes prehistory generally, past environments, or the archaeological discovery of the world’s oldest caribou hunting structures 120 feet below Lake Huron.

John M. O’Shea 2004 Ships and Shipwrecks of the Au Sable Shores Region of Western Lake Huron. Memoir 39, Museum of Anthropology, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Focusing on an area of coastline particularly known for vessel strandings, this volume includes histories of over 50 lost vessels, a description of remains of vessels and wreckage documented during archaeological research in the area, an analysis of shoreline change in the last 150 years, and a model for matching wreckage to lost ships. This book will be of interest to archaeologists, historians and anyone who loves the Great Lakes. Get a copy here!
Lemke 2022, The Architecture of Hunting The Built Environment of Hunter-Gatherers and Its Impact on Mobility, Property, Leadership, and Labor, Texas A&M University Press, ISBN 1623499224, 9781623499228

Lemke, Ashley (Editor) 2018, Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity. University Press of Colorado.
Foreword by Robert Kelly
Contributors: Nicholas J. Conard, Raven Garvey, Keiko Kitagawa, John Krigbaum, Petra Krönneck, Steven Kuhn, Julia Lee-Thorp, Peter Mitchell, Katherine Moore, Susanne C. Münzel, Kurt Rademaker, Patrick Roberts, Britt Starkovich, Brian A. Stewart, Mary Stiner

Howey, Meghan C.L. (2012) Mound Builders and Monument Makers of the Northern Great Lakes, 1200-1600, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.
Rising above the northern Michigan landscape, prehistoric burial mounds and impressive circular earthen enclosures bear witness to the deep history of the region’s ancient indigenous peoples. These mounds and earthworks have long been treated as isolated finds and have never been connected to the social dynamics of the time in which they were constructed, a period called Late Prehistory. In Mound Builders and Monument Makers of the Northern Great Lakes, 1200–1600, Meghan C. L. Howey uses archaeology to make this connection. She shows how indigenous communities of the northern Great Lakes used earthen structures as gathering places for ritual and social interaction, which maintained connected egalitarian societies in the process.