Pittsfield Elementary School

small_pic_of_buildingPittsfield Elementary School is located on Pittsfield Boulevard in Ann Arbor. The school building was part of a recent expansion, which makes its enrollment of 240 students possible. It is a diverse school that offers support for students with ADD, dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, and anxiety disorders, among others.  With its dedicated staff, Pittsfield is a very unique place to mentor. The principal is Ms. Shakarian.

“The big thing that we do is take kids where they are and we provide a structured program that helps them succeed and learn to learn.” – Principal Meredith Schindler

School Contact Information:

2543 Pittsfield Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 997-1218
(734) 997-1229 FAX
Carol Shakarian, Principal