
Postdoctoral Research Associates:  Two postdoc research associate positions are available in our laboratory. Qualified candidates will investigate the mechanism of the lysosomal membrane quality control process using both yeast and mammalian cell lines. Minimum requirements include a strong background in molecular and cell biology, good communication skills, published at least one first-author research paper in peer-reviewed journals.

Please email Dr. Ming Li directly with a brief statement of interest, CV, and the names and contact information of three referees.

Graduate Students:

Graduate students currently enrolled in the Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Graduate Program and PIBS program are welcome to rotate in our lab. Please email Dr. Ming Li to discuss the rotation possibilities. 


We always welcome passionate and diligent undergraduate students. Dr. Li has worked with several undergraduate students during his Ph.D. and postdoctoral training. Under his guidance, three undergraduate students became co-authors of Dr. Li’s publications. One student received summa cum laude for his thesis research from Cornell University. Please email Dr. Ming Li for more information.