2014 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize Awarded to Haesong Kwon

Haesong Kwon has won the 2014 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize, which is awarded annually to the author of the best poem or group of poems appearing that year in Michigan Quarterly Review. His poem “Epistle,” appeared in the Fall 2014 issue.

This year’s judge, Khaled Mattawa, writes: Haesong Kwon’s “Epistle” is a minimalist gem that employs a taut Modernist esthetic to tell an American immigrant saga where identity, grief, and the acceptance of change tussle and generate varied emotions. It is a profound telegram/epistle from a poet who has thought hard about the attendant themes of exile and managed to put the best words in the best order.

2014 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize Awarded to Haesong Kwon Read More »

Haesong Kwon has won the 2014 Laurence Goldstein Poetry Prize, which is awarded annually to the author of the best poem or group of poems appearing that year in Michigan Quarterly Review. His poem “Epistle,” appeared in the Fall 2014 issue.

This year’s judge, Khaled Mattawa, writes: Haesong Kwon’s “Epistle” is a minimalist gem that employs a taut Modernist esthetic to tell an American immigrant saga where identity, grief, and the acceptance of change tussle and generate varied emotions. It is a profound telegram/epistle from a poet who has thought hard about the attendant themes of exile and managed to put the best words in the best order.