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Videos and Webinars

9 Sep 2013.   Webinar discussion co-leader (with Sara Gossman, U-M Law School and Brian Ellis, U-M Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering). Graham Sustainability Institute Integrated Assessment Technical Reports “Hydraulic Fracturing in Michigan”

15 Nov 2013.  “Climate Change and Impacts: Evidence-based Decision Making in a Belief-based World“, Keynote address at Loyola University (Chicago) Conference- U.S. Energy and Climate Change: Science, Ethics, & Public Policies.  See

5 Feb 2014.  Union of Concerned Scientists webinar addresses how to deal with uncertainty on scientific issues. It covers how to approach and prepare for conversations about complicated issues with the media, the public, and policy makers. Our presenters show how viewers can develop their ability to frame conversations to the information they are confident in and to address uncertainty in a constructive and informative way. This workshop is particularly useful for scientists who work on issues like climate change and face a lot of uncertainty in their fields.