
Please reach out to symposium conveners if you are interested in contributing a talk or poster. Contact details provided for the submitting convener. Summaries of symposia provided by conveners are available here.

A gulf of knowledge: interconnecting paleobiology research across the Caribbean
L. W. Viñola Lopez, A. K. Hensley, B. Crowley (brooke.crowley [at] uc [dot] edu), S. B. Cooke

A model system for evolution and environmental change: the marine communities of the Neogene western Atlantic
B. Anderson (bma53 [at] cornell [dot] edu), J. Hendricks, B. Lieberman, R. Lockwood, W. Allmon, H. Dowsett, E. Saupe, L. Strotz

Answering big questions with small fossils: high-resolution biodiversity dynamics in deep time
A. Brombacher (anieke.brombacher [at] yale [dot] edu), M. Huang

Avocational clubs as paleontological resources
D. Clark (fummpinfo [at] gmail [dot] com)

Broadening accessibility in paleontology through innovative community engagement practices
J. Pirlo (jpirlo [at] csustan [dot] edu), P. Monarrez, C. Thompson

Conodonts in time and space – North American Pander Society Meeting
J. Over (over [at] geneseo [dot] edu), N. Hogencamp, S. Rosscoe

Dawn of animal life: exploring new advances in Ediacaran paleobiology
P. C. Boan (phillip.boan [at] email [dot] ucr [dot] edu), P. Vayda, P. Aira Buma-At

Deep learning in deep time: applications of AI and automation in paleontology
A. Y. Hsiang (allison.hsiang [at] geo [dot] su [dot] se), D. Schmidt, A. Brombacher, C. Yu

Evolutionary paleobiology in the 21st Century: in honor of Jim Valentine
C. Marshall (crmarshall [at] berkeley [dot] edu), S. Finnegan

Fifty years in the Himalayan foothills: ecosystem change in the Neogene Siwalik record of Pakistan
C. Badgley (cbadgley [at] umich [dot] edu), M. E. Morgan, K. Behrensmeyer

First principles, boundless curiosity – celebrating the contributions of Daniel C. Fisher
S. Carlson, P. Koch (plkoch [dot] ucsd [dot] edu)

Fossil forces: advances in biomechanics and imaging in paleontology
A. Wilken (atwilken [at] uchicago [dot] edu), C. Holliday

From caves to cenotes: Pleistocene vertebrate paleontology of the Yucatan, Mexico and Belize
B. W. Schubert (schubert [at] mail [dot] etsu [dot] edu), J. Arroyo-Cabrales

Hominoid evolution, environments and communities in eastern Africa
S. Cote, L. MacLatchy (maclatch [at] umich [dot] edu)

Integrated approaches to exploring coupled biotic, landscape and climate dynamics
T. Smiley (tara.smiley [at] stonybrook [dot ]edu), R. Terry, D. Fox, K. Loughney

Interconnected patterns of natural history: a tribute to the career and contributions of Lance Grande
E. Hilton (ehilton [at] vims [dot] edu), M. Friedman

Lessons learned and future visions for conservation paleobiology
J. Cybulski, E. Dillon (emdillon23 [at] gmail [dot] com), B. Kokesh, L. Wingard

Lessons learned from Phanerozoic marine extinctions applied to modern conservation
S. Sinha (sinjini [at] utexas [dot] edu), T. Stone, C. Williams, R. Martindale

Managing and engaging with federal paleontological resources in the 21st century 
A. Rountrey (arountre [at] umich [dot] edu), B. Breithaupt, V. L. Santucci 

Microbial biosignatures: from paleomicrobiology to astrobiology
S. Gonzalez Henao (gonz1165 [at] msu [dot] edu), M. Schrenk, J. Johnson

North American paleontological resources 2024
D. Brandt (brandt [at] msu [dot] edu)

Paleobiology of carnivorous mammals
J. D. Orcutt (orcutt [at] gonzaga [dot] edu), M. Balisi

R. T. Figueroa (rtfiguer [at] umich [dot] edu), M. Fabbri

Plant-insect herbivore relationships in deep time
L. A. Giraldo (agiraldo [at] psu [dot] edu)

Progress in proboscidean paleontology
A Jukar (advaitjukar [at] arizona [dot] edu), W. Sanders

Proxies, sedimentological indicators, and biotic effects of oceanic anoxic events in the geological record
B. Huber (huberb [at] si [dot] edu), J. M. Bernhard

Recent advances in computational paleobiology
W. Gearty (wgearty [at] amnh [dot] org), B. J. Allen, L. A. Jones, E. M. Dillon

Recent advances in virtual paleobiology
R. D. C. Bicknell (rbicknell [at] amnh [dot] org), J. Bevitt

Reef paleoecology in time and space
O’Dea (odeaa [at] si [dot] edu), R. Martindale, K. Cramer

Stratigraphic paleobiology: working with the nature of the stratigraphic record to answer paleobiological questions 
P. Monarrez (pmonarrez [at] stanford [dot] edu), A. Clement, K. Loughney

Systematics and phylogeny
B. Long-Fox (blongfox [at] morphobank [dot] org)

The Bighorn Basin: new frontiers and inter-generational knowledge of a model system for studying terrestrial ecosystem evolution
L. Weaver (lnweaver [at] kent [dot] edu), S. Wing, V. Korasidis, E. Currano

Traits, functions, and systems: quantifying paleocommunity variation, persistence, and resilience
A. Dineen (aadineen [at] berkeley [dot] edu), P. Roopnarine

Wetland ecology through time
S. Neely, M. Chrpa (mchrpa [at] udel [dot] edu)