A Quantitative Look at Love

Written by Connor Zahler: Love. To most, it seems like the ultimate qualitative experience. It can make people act irrationally and is almost impossible to describe to someone who hasn’t experienced it. That hasn’t stopped social scientists from trying, however. Today, we’ll look at some theories of love, the possible backing behind it, and what…

What Percentage of Marriages End in Divorce?

Written by Connor Zahler: One of the most ubiquitous claims in all of society is that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. It’s been brought up in fights about the course of society, lampshaded by romantic comedies, played straight by romantic tragedies, and is generally omnipresent. As with all common claims, it usually goes…

2022: The Year in Data

Written by Connor Zahler: It’s the start of a new year, which means that it’s list season. Everywhere you look, people are compiling the best and worst people, things, and ideas of 2022 to gear up for 2023. You’ve probably already seen all of your friends’ Spotify Wrappeds and made the appropriate judgments about them.…