Chenhao Zhao


I have a wide range of abilities. During my time as an applied mathematics student at Sun Yat-sen University, I have outstanding overall research and quantitative abilities. I have participated in modeling competitions at different levels for three times and won two awards. At the same time, I am a strong programmer and can skillfully use C++. My coursework in finance that I took for my minor has given me an understanding and passion for capital markets and their operations. In addition, I have organized many extra-curricular activities, and my overall planning ability enables me to handle work with ease.

I love numbers, and I love quantifying things and figuring out how to do it. I’m excited about the opportunity to put this passion to work in the dynamic world of capital markets. There is nothing more appealing than creating value by chasing after something I am especially good at and love. To that end, I am interested in positions in quantitative finance, data analysis, and quant research.

Besides my studies, I love playing Go and jogging. Playing the guitar is the best way to spend time alone. Although I don’t like playing soccer myself, I am a fan of Argentina, even though they haven’t won the World Cup in more than a decade. | LinkedIn | Resume