The Last Saltmakers of Nexquipayac, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography

Jeffrey R. Parsons

In the 1980s, a few traditional saltmakers were still manufacturing several kinds of salt in the eastern Valley of Mexico. This in-depth study of the methodology of this dying craft includes a comparative study of pre-industrial saltmaking around the world and considers the implications of this knowledge for future archaeological research.

Order from the University of Michigan Press.

See related books:
The Last Pescadores of Chimalhuacán, Mexico, Anthropological Papers 96, by Jeffrey R. Parsons
Maguey Utilization in Highland Central Mexico, Anthropological Papers 82, by Jeffrey R. Parsons and Mary H. Parsons

Publisher: Museum of Anthropology

Year of Publication: 2001

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Pages: 340

Price: $26

Print ISBN: 978-0-915703-51-7

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-949098-80-8

Monograph Series / Number: Anthropological Papers No. 92

Tables / Illustrations: 26 tables, 186 illustrations
