SPICEs Research Group
Space Particulates In Complex Environments Research Group
Lia Corrales
Principal Investigator
As head of SPICES I am always looking to bring in a diverse group of enthusiastic astrophysicists to work with me. Email liac@umich.edu (more…)
George King
Post Doctoral Fellow
George is interested in exoplanets and how they are affected by the high-energy X-ray and UV radiation impigent upon them. (more…)
More information for Students
The SPICEs research group is looking for students to join us on the following topics. (more…)
Mayura Balakrishnan
PhD Student
Mayura is a 3rd year graduate student working on using simulations of stars close to Sagittarius A* to better understand the X-ray background in the galactic center. (more…)
Ioanna Psaradaki
Post Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Ioanna Psaradaki specializes in high-energy astrophysics with expertise in high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy.(more…)