
You grasp this glimmer of sunshine

For a minute you feel that you are on top

But then the wind kicks beneath you

And u fall in some sort of trap

U ache yourself to escape it

Seeing everyone you love from above

U try your best to climb each rough

Thinking you’d never be good enough

You’re exhausted

You don’t think it could get any worse

But then it rains, sloshing your shoes with dirt

You sit in your own puddle

Thinking how could I get this mad

But then you realize who you are

You realize your past was an incredible time

But you don’t live there no more

You live in this future, with promise and uncertainty

And yes, it’s hard to detail its time

But the future is exciting, although it may get hard at some points

Just remember you can do anything you strive for

Why that hole is not bigger than you

Not steeper than you can climb

Why you can escape the depths of any despair

If you just try

And while you struggle and become this better person

You arise from the dirt with some scars

But for the first time you can see the world so clearly

And u won’t fall back into it, not for a while

But even if you do, when you feel that the outlook is bleak

Just remember, it’s only as meek as you seek



Meghana Mulpuri :

Meghana Mulpuri

Meghana Mulpuri is an undeclared major, and was a first year LSWA student. She enjoys spending time with friends, dancing, and eating Nutella