Greek Life

LISTEN TO GREEK LIFE PODCAST In this episode, we’re listening to the voices of Courtney Monroe, Dr. Cesar Orozco, and Richard Nunn as we explore the history of exclusion and the impact of student organizations rising to reflect campus climate. Courtney has been working with the Office of Greek Life as the National Pan-Hellenic Council…

Days of Future Past

LISTEN TO THE DAYS OF FUTURE PAST PODCAST In this episode, we’re listening to the voices of Elizabeth James, Sherise Steele, and Kyle Trocard as they explore the connection between technology and the development of social change movements at the University of Michigan. Sherise is a financial advisor at Gateway Financial Partners. As a first…

Constructing Community

LISTEN TO CONSTRUCTING COMMUNITY PODCAST In this episode, we’re listening to the voices of Dr. Maria Cotera, Dr. Jaime Chahin, and Yvonne Navarrete as we explore access to diversity and student contributions to communities on campus to further connect, advocate, and strengthen dynamics of campus movements at the University of Michigan. Photo from left to…