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- J. N. Milstein, Y. F. Chen, and J.-C. Meiners, “Protein-mediated DNA looping in a fluctuating micromechanical environment”, Proceedings of SPIE 7762, 77620B (2010).
- Y. F. Chen, K. Raghunathan, D.P. Wilson, and J.-C. Meiners, “Boundary-condition dependent elasticity of short double-stranded DNA molecules”, Proceedings of SPIE 7400, 740003 (2009).
- J.-C. Meiners, “Mechanics of Nanoscale Biological Systems”, Nanomedicine 3, 346 (2007).
- C. M. Wei, N. H. Liu, P. Y. Xu, M. Heller, D. A. Tomalia, D. I. Haynie, E. H. Chang, K. Wang, Y. S. Lee, Y. L. Lyubchenko, R. Bawa, R. Tian, J. Hanes, S. Pun, J.-C. Meiners, and P. X. Guo, “From Bench to Bedside: Successful Translational Nanomedicine Highlights of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine.”, Nanomedicine 3, 322 (2007).
- Y. F. Chen, G. Blab, and J.-C. Meiners, “Stretching Sub-micron DNA Fragments with Constant-Force Axial Optical Tweezers”, Proceedings of SPIE 6644 664403 (2007). (Invited paper)
- D. P. Wilson, T. Lilian, S. Goyal, A. V. Tkachenko, N. C. Perkins, and J.-C. Meiners, “Understanding the Role of Thermal Fluctuations in DNA Looping”, Proceedings of SPIE 6602, 660208 (2007). (Invited paper)
- N. G. Walter, J.-C. Meiners, E. Meyhofer, R. R. Neubig, N. C. Perkins, D. G. Steel, R. K. Sunahara, and J. A. Swanson, “Under the Microscope: Single-Molecule Symposium at the University of Michigan 2006”, Biopolymers 85, 106 (2007).
- R. Nambiar and J.-C. Meiners, “Dynamics of Single DNA Molecules under Femtonewton Forces”, Proceedings of SPIE5930, 34 (2005).
- R. Nambiar and J.-C. Meiners, “Thermal Fluctuations of Partially Extended Single DNA Molecules”, Proceedings of the SPIE 5841, 103 (2005). (Invited paper)
- S. Blumberg, A. Gajraj, M. Pennington, A. Tkachenko, and J.-C. Meiners, “The Role of Thermal Fluctuations and Mechanical Constraints in Protein-Mediated DNA Looping”, Proceedings of SPIE 5841, 92 (2005).
- R. Nambiar, B. Liesfeld, A. Gajraj, and J.-C. Meiners, “Design and Calibration of All-Optical Constant-Force Laser Tweezers”, Proceedings of SPIE 5541, 543 (2004).