MSSISS 2015 – MSSISS 2024


The MSSISS 2015 keynote speaker is Dr. Myron Gutmann of the University of Colorado, Boulder (formerly of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan).

The Past, Present, and Future of Research Data Infrastructure

The world of data has changed in the last two decades, and it continues to change rapidly. Driven by rapid increases in computing and communication capacity, new kinds and quantities of data, new expectations for sharing, and new means of access, the research enterprise has been transformed, giving researchers entirely new ways of working. The infrastructure that supports those data has undergone just as rapid and head-spinning a change, so that the ways that we get access to data are as shockingly different from what they were twenty years ago as are the data themselves.  The future promises to be transformed in even more novel and interesting ways. This keynote address tells the story of the past and present of social science data infrastructure, and then attempts to chart a future. Four themes stand out in the ways that data infrastructure has changed. First, data have become ubiquitous, leading to more and better access, and to innovation as new kinds of data have become available. Second, standards for data infrastructure have emerged, and they have enabled effective responses to newly created requirements for data and information sharing. Third, dynamic cooperative networks have popped up, making enhanced data sharing and analysis possible. And fourth, privacy and confidentiality are being effectively protected in research data (if not in commercial and organizational data). These are significant accomplishments, but the future cries out for more. The next generation of research will call for yet “bigger” data, but the dramatic change will be the integration of data and analysis across research domains. That will require new metadata, improved data management systems, new analytic capabilities, and access to better computing hardware. Researchers will also need a repository network that allows us to easily cross scientific boundaries. Finally, the research community will need to find even better ways to protect privacy and confidentiality, because the complexity of the data may reveal more about our research subjects than we might have hoped. The innovations needed are in the hands of the next generation of researchers, who will be the right people to bring these changes about.

Best Oral Presentation:

Robert Vandermeulen (EECS) – On the Identifiability of Mixture Models from Grouped Samples

Oral Presentation Honorable Mention:

Naveen Narisetty (Statistics) – Extremal Notions of Depth and Central Regions for Functional Data

Best Poster Presentation:

Brandon Oselio (EECS) – Pareto Frontiers of Multilayer Social Networks

Departmental Poster Presentation Winners:

  • Yu-Hui Chen (EECS) – Parameter Estimation of Spherical Symmetry Groups
  • Karen Nielsen (Statistics) – Comparing Modeling Approaches to EEG Data for Event-Related Potentials
  • Martha Rozsi (Survey Methodology) – Creating a Flexible and Scalable PSU Sample for NHTSA’s Redesign of the National Automotive Sampling System
  • Nick Seewald (Biostatistics) – A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) Web-Based Sample Size Calculator

The Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) is a yearly event organized by graduate students in the Biostatistics, Statistics, Survey Methodology and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments at the University of Michigan.

The goal of this symposium is to create an environment that allows communication across related fields of statistical sciences and promote interdisciplinary research among graduate students and faculty. It encourages graduate students to present their work, share insights and exposes them to diverse applications of statistical sciences. Though hosted by four departments we extend our invitation to graduate students from all departments across the University to present their statistical research in the form of an oral paper presentation or a poster presentation. It also provides an excellent environment for interacting with students and faculty from other areas of statistical research on campus.

If you are planning to attend MSSISS, please fill out your information on the registration page. If you would like to present a poster or give a talk, please submit your abstract.

MSSISS 2015 final schedule

MSSISS 2015 Abstracts PDF  |  Abstracts Page


Student organizing committee

Mathieu Bray Biostatistics braymath[at]umich[dot]edu
Kevin Moon EECS krmoon[at]umich[dot]edu
Tianshuang Wu Statistics wutiansh[at]umich[dot]edu
Sharan Sharma Survey Methodology snsharma[at]umich[dot]edu

Faculty advisory committee

Timothy Johnson Biostatistics tdjtdj[at]umich[dot]edu
Clayton Scott EECS clayscot[at]umich[dot]edu
Susan Murphy Statistics samurphy[at]umich[dot]edu
Brady West Survey Methodology bwest[at]umich[dot]edu

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