MSSISS 2023 – MSSISS 2025


UMICH Central Campus

March 9th – 10th @ Rackham Building


The Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) is an annual event organized by graduate students in the Biostatistics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS), Industrial & Operations Engineering (IOE), Statistics and Survey and Data Science (MPSDS) departments at the University of Michigan.

The goal of this symposium is to create an environment that allows communication across related fields of statistical sciences and promotes interdisciplinary research among students and faculty. It encourages students to present their work, share insights, and exposes them to diverse applications of statistical sciences. Though hosted by five departments, we extend our invitation to students from all departments across the University to present their statistical research in the form of an oral presentation or a poster. It also provides an excellent environment for interacting with students and faculty from other areas of statistical research on campus.

MSSISS is an opportunity for interdisciplinary research and discussion across the fields of statistical sciences. Calling all graduate students (as well as talented undergraduates)! Come along, present your work, share insights, and learn about the diverse applications of statistical sciences.

Faculty Speakers

Kosuke Imai

Professor of Political Science and Statistics, Harvard University

Walter Dempsey

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Assistant Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Student Presentations


student research projects


departments across campus


presentation sessions

Best Oral Presentation

Madeline Abbott

A latent variable approach to jointly modeling emotions and cigarette use in a mobile health study of smoking cessation

Best Speed Oral Presentation

Declan McNamara

Likelihood-Free Inference for Deblending Galaxy Spectra

Best Poster

Alexander Kagan

Influence Maximization under Generalized Linear Threshold Models

Honorable Mention

Jieru(Hera) Shi

Debiased machine learning of causal excursion effects to assess time-varying moderation

Honorable Mention

Huda Bashir

Racial residential segregation and adolescent birth rates in Brazil: a cross-sectional study in 152 cities, 2014-2016

Honorable Mention

Felipe Maia Polo

Conditional Independence Testing under Model Misspecification

Honorable Mention

Shushu Zhang

Estimation and Inference for High-dimensional Expected Shortfall Regression

Honorable Mention

Kiran Kumar

Refining Ancient Genomes

Honorable Mention

Simon Nguyen

Optimal Full Matching under a New Constraint on the Sharing of Controls Application in Pediatric Critical Care

Organizing Committee

Student Organizing Committee

Mukai Wang

PhD Student, Biostatistics

Deji Suolang

PhD Student, Survey and Data Science

Ki Hong

PhD Student, Statistics

Naichen Shi

PhD Student, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Yilun Zhu

PhD Student, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty Advisory Committee

William Xiaoquan Wen

Professor of Biostatistics

Raed Al Kontar

Assistant Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering

Johann Gagnon-Bartsch

Associate Professor of Statistics

Brady West

Research Professor of Survey and Data Science

Clayton Scott

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and of Statistics


Department of Statistics, University of Michigan
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