The Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences (MSSISS) is an annual event organized by graduate students in the Biostatistics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS), Industrial & Operations Engineering (IOE), Statistics and Survey and Data Science (MPSDS) departments at the University of Michigan.
The goal of this symposium is to create an environment that allows communication across related fields of statistical sciences and promotes interdisciplinary research among graduate students and faculty. It encourages graduate students to present their work, share insights, and exposes them to diverse applications of statistical sciences. Though hosted by five departments we extend our invitation to graduate students from all departments across the University to present their statistical research in the form of an oral paper presentation or a poster presentation. It also provides an excellent environment for interacting with students and faculty from other areas of statistical research on campus.
MSSISS is an opportunity for interdisciplinary research and discussion across the fields of statistical sciences. Calling all graduate students (as well as talented undergraduates)! Come along, present your work, share insights, and learn about the diverse applications of statistical sciences.
Best Presentation
Best Application Presentation
Best Theory/Methodology Presentation
Jinming Li
PhD Student, Statistics
Network Latent Space Model with Hyperbolic Geometry
Ai Rene Ong
PhD Student, MPSDS
Respondent Driven Sampling Design Considerations
Dan Kessler
PhD Student, Statistics
Inference for Canonical Directions in Canonical Correlation Analysis
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Kyle Gilman
PhD Student, EECS
Streaming Probabilistic PCA for Missing Data with Heteroscedastic Noise
Timothy Baker
PhD Student, EECS
Leveraging Correlation to Improve Accuracy in Stochastic Computing
Best Speed Presentation
Best Application Speed Presentation
Best Theory/Methodology Speed Presentation
Madeline Abbott
PhD Student, Biostatistics
Modeling cigarette use with mobile health data from a study on smoking cessation
Alicia Dominguez
PhD Student, Biostatistics
Bias accumulates in polygenic risk scores constructed with larger sets of markers in multiple complex traits.
Fatema Shafie Khorassani
PhD Student, Biostatistics
Data Fusion for Time-to-Event Outcomes
Best Poster Presentation
Best Application Poster Presentation
Best Theory/Methodology Poster Presentation
Subha Maity
PhD Student, Statistics
Modeling cigarette use with mobile health data from a study on smoking cessation
Dylan Glover
Master’s Student, Statistics
Forecasting Geomagnetically Induced Currents at the Ottawa Magnetometer Station using ACE Variables
Roman Kouznetsov
PhD Student, Statistics
deepST: A Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Spatial Transcriptomics
Best Master’s Presentation
Best Undergraduate Presentation
Abigail Loe
Master’s Student, Biostatistics
Just Statistics: In the Dark, Statistical Analysis, and the Failure of the Justice System
Yiling Huang
Junior, Statistics
Balance Assessment of Matched Data with Multiple Treatment Levels
Invited Speakers
Speed & Poster sessions
Learn about the cutting-edge research of our invited Keynote speaker and our Michigan junior faculty speaker
View abstracts
Students share their recent research in various presentation sessions
View sessions
Students display and discuss their research in a poster session preceded by speed presentations
View abstracts
Our goal is to hold this event in person at Michigan League. For this reason, we will be abiding by all University guidelines (also see Michigan Unions COVID FAQs). In particular:
- Face coverings will be required, regardless of vaccination status, except when actively eating or drinking.
- You will be asked to show your health screening status using the ResponsiBlue app. Visitors entering U-M Facilities are expected to complete the ResponsiBlue Guest screening check.
- You will be asked to sign a contact tracing sheet.
As the two previous years taught us, it is hard to know what the future has planned for us. We will be following the University’s decisions if it becomes unrealistic to meet in person: participant will be notified in time if MSSISS 2022 is moved to a remote format.

Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee
Student Organizing Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee
We would like to thank Judy McDonald from the Statistics department for all the administrative help in organizing this MSSISS iteration.
We would like to thank Lindsay Sorgenfrei, our Michigan League event organizer, for all the logistical help.
We also would like to extend our thanks to the 2021 MSSISS student organizers (Seokhyun Chung, IOE; Yijun Li, Biostatistics; Zeyu Sun, EECS; Ziping Xu, Statistics; Xinyu Zhang, Survey Methodology) and faculty mentors (Ed Ionides, Statistics; Jian Kang, Biostatistics; Vijay Subramanian, EECS) who helped with the transition and provided insightful suggestions.