
Dr. Stephanie Preston’s Google Scholar Profile


Preston, S. D., Kringelbach, M. L., Knutson, B. (2014). The interdisciplinary science of consumption. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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Preston, S. D. (in preparation). The altruistic urge.

Peer-Reviewed Publications (student names underlined)[1]
Preston, S. D. & Gelman, S. A. (2020). This land is my land: Psychological ownership, but not legal ownership, increases protectiveness for the natural world. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Advance online publication.

Preston, S. D., Ermler, M., Lei, Y., Bickel, L. A. (2020). Understanding empathy and its disorders through a focus on the neural mechanism. Cortex, 127,347-370.

Gross, D. M. & Preston, S. D. (2020). Darwin and the situation of emotion research. Emotion Reviews.

[2]de Waal, F. B. M. & Preston, S. D. (2017). Mammalian empathy: Behavioral manifestations and neural basis. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 18, 498-509. doi: 10.1038/nrn.2017.72

Buchanan, T. W. & Preston, S. D. (2017). Commentary: Social stress contagion in rats: Behavioral, autonomic and neuroendocrine correlates. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 175. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00175

PIHofelich-Mohr, A., Kross, E., & Preston, S. D. (2016). Devil in the details: Effects of depression on the prosocial response depend on timing and similarity. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2(4), 281–297. doi: 10.1007/s40750-016-0044-x

Carpenter, S. M., Yates, J. F., Preston, S. D., & Chen, L. (2016). Regulating emotions during difficult multiattribute decision making: The role of pre-decisional coherence shifting. PLoS ONE, 11(3), 1-21. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150873

Vickers, B. D., Preston, S. D., Gonzalez, R., & Angott, A. (2016). Hoarders only discount consumables and are more patient for money. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10(30), 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00030

Festini, S. B., Preston, S. D., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., & Seidler R. D. (2016). Emotion and reward are dissociable from error during motor learning. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 1385-1394.

Cheng, P, Preston, S. D., Jonides, J. Hofelich, A., Thummula, K. Casement, M., Hsing, C., & Deldin, P. J. (2015). Evidence against mood-congruent attenional bias in Major Depressive Disorder. Psychiatry Research, 230(2), 496-505. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2015.09.043

Buchanan, T. W. & Preston, S. D. (2014). Stress leads to prosocial action in immediate need situations. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8(5). 1-6. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00005

[3]Hauser, D. J., Preston, S. D., & Stansfield, R. B. (2014). Altruism in the wild: When affiliative motives to help positive people overtake empathic motives to help the distressed. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(3), 1295-1305. doi: 10.1037/a0035464

[4]Preston, S. D. (2013). Examining the origins of altruism in offspring care. Psychological Bulletin. 139(6), 1305-1341. doi: 10.1037/a0031755

PIHsing, C. K., Hofelich, A. M., Stansfield, R. B., & Preston, S. D. (2013). Alexithymia slows performance but preserves spontaneous semantic decoding of negative expressions in the Emostroop task. International Journal of Psychology, 6, 56-67.

Preston, S. D., Hofelich, A. J., & Stansfield, R. B. (2013). The ethology of empathy: A taxonomy of real-world targets of need and their effect on observers. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(488), 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00488

PIWang, J. M., Seidler, R. D., Hall, J. L., & Preston, S. D. (2012). The neural bases of acquisitiveness: Decisions to acquire and discard everyday goods differ across frames, items, and individuals. Neuropsychologia, 50(5), 939–948. . 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.01.033

Preston, S. D. & Hofelich, A.J. (2012). The many faces of empathy: Parsing empathic phenomena through a proximate, dynamic-systems view of representing the other in the self. Emotion Review, 4(1), 24-33. doi: 10.1177/1754073911421378

Preston, S. D. & Hofelich, A.J. (2012). Understanding empathy by modeling rather than organizing its contents (reply to commentaries). Emotion Review, 4(1), 38-39. doi: 10.1177/1754073911421397

[5]Buchanan, T. W., Bagley, S. L., Stansfield, R. B., & Preston, S. D. (2011). The empathic, physiological resonance of stress. Social Neuroscience, 7(2), 191-201. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2011.588723.

Hofelich, A. J. & Preston, S. D. (2011). The meaning in empathy: Distinguishing true empathy from facial mimicry, attention to emotion, and trait empathy. Cognition & Emotion. 26(1), 119-128. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2011.559192

Preston, S. D., Muroff, J. R., & Wengrovitz, S. M. (2009). Investigating the mechanisms of hoarding from an experimental perspective. Depression and Anxiety, 26, 425-437.

Ackerson, K., & Preston, S. D. (2009). A decision theory perspective on why women do or do not decide to have cancer screening: Systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 1130-1140.

Preston, S. D., & Jacobs, L. F. (2009). Mechanisms of cache decision making in fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). Journal of Mammalogy, 90, 787–795.

Preston, S. D., & Stansfield, R. B. (2008). The Emostroop effect: Task-irrelevant facial emotions are processed spontaneously, rapidly and at the level of the specific emotion. Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 54-64.

Preston, S. D., Bechara, A., Damasio, H., Grabowski, T. J., Stansfield, R. B., Mehta, S., & Damasio A. R. (2007). The neural substrates of cognitive empathy. Social Neuroscience, 2, 254-275.

Preston, S. D., Buchanan, T. W., Stansfield, R. B., & Bechara, A. (2007). Effects of anticipatory stress on decision making in a gambling task. Behavioral Neuroscience, 121, 257–263.

Preston, S. D., & Jacobs, L. F. (2005). Cache decision making: The effects of competition on cache decisions in Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 119, 187-196.

Preston, S. D., & de Waal, F. B. M. (2002). Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 1-71.

Preston, S.D., & Jacobs, L.J. (2001). Conspecific pilferage but not presence affects cache strategy in Merriam’s kangaroo rats. Behavioral Ecology, 12, 517-523.

Aureli, F., Preston, S. D., & de Waal, F. B. M. (1999). Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): A pilot study. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 113, 59-65.

Insel, T.R., Preston, S., & Winslow, J.T. (1995). Mating in the monogamous vole: Behavioral consequences. Physiology and Behavior, 57, 615-627.

Other Publications
Preston, S. D. (2019). Neural and physiological mechanisms of altruism and empathy. In Lopez, S., Edwards, L., & Marques, S. (Eds.), The oxford handbook of positive psychology, 3rd Edition, New York: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D. & Webster, N. J. (2018). Consumption. In M. H. Bornstein, M. E. Arterberry, K. L. Fingerman, & J. E. Lansford (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development, Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.

Preston. S. D. & de Waal, F. B. M. (in press). Only the PAM explains the personalized nature of empathy. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

Preston, S. D. (2017). The rewarding nature of social contact. Science, 357(6358), 2-3. doi: 10.1126/science.aao7192

Preston, S. D. (2016). The evolution and neurobiology of heroism. In S. T. Allison, G. R. Goethals, & R. M. Kramer (Eds.), The handbook of heroism and heroic leadership. New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Buchanan, T. W. & Preston, S. D. (2016). When feeling and doing diverge: Neural and physiological correlates of the empathy-altruism divide. In J. D. Greene, I. Morrison & M. Seligman (Eds.), Positive neuroscience. London: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D., Kringelbach, M. L., & Knutson, B. (2014). Introduction: Toward an interdisciplinary science of consumption. In S. D. Preston, M. Kringelbach, & B. Knutson (Eds.), The interdisciplinary science of consumption. Cambridge, MIT Press.

Preston, S. D. & Vickers, B. D. (2014). The psychology of acquisitiveness. In S. D. Preston, M. Kringelbach, & B. Knutson (Eds.), The interdisciplinary science of consumption. Cambridge, MIT Press.

Gross, D. M. & Preston, S. D. (2014). Emotion science and the heart of a two-cultures problem. In F. Biess, A. Owzar, & D. M. Gross (Eds), Science and emotions: Transnational emotional cultures in the US and Germany after 1945. Chicago, Ill. Chicago University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2013). Empathy and altruism from an interdisciplinary perspective. In S. Hitlin and J. E. Stets (Eds.), The science of morality workshop: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches now and in the future (pp. 120-127). Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.

Vickers, B. D. & Preston, S. D. (2013). The economics of hoarding. In R. O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), The oxford handbook of hoarding and acquiring. London: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2013). Hoarding in animals: The argument for a homology. In R. O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), The oxford handbook of hoarding and acquiring. London: Oxford University Press.

Hofelich, A. J. & Preston, S. D. (2013). Different strokes: Individual differences in the emotional response of patients and the people who observe them. In M. Kent, M. C. Davis & J. W. Reich (Eds.), The resilience handbook: Approaches to stress and trauma (pp. 247-256). New York: Routledge Press.

Brown, S. L., Brown. R. M., & Preston, S. (2012).  A model of human caregiving motivation. In S. L. Brown, R. M .Brown, & L. A. Penner, (Eds), Moving beyond self interest: Perspectives from evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and the social sciences (pp. 75-88). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2011). Towards an interdisciplinary science of consumption. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1236, 1-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06163.x

Preston, S. D. (2011). The empathy gap. Books & Arts review of Simon Baron Cohen’s Zero degrees of empathy: A new theory of human cruelty. Nature, 472, 416.

Preston, S. D., & de Waal, F. B. M. (2011). Altruism. In J. Decety and J. Cacioppo, (Eds.), The handbook of social neuroscience (pp. 565-585). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2008). Putting the subjective back into intersubjective: The importance of person-specific, distributed, neural representations in perception-action mechanisms; Commentary on Hurley, S.: The shared circuits model: How control, mirroring, and simulation can enable imitation, deliberation, and mindreading. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, 36-37.

Preston, S. D. (2007). A perception-action model for empathy. In T.F.D. Farrow & P. Woodruff (Eds.), Empathy in mental illness  (pp. 428-447). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2006). Averting the tragedy of the commons: An ecological and psychological perspective. Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness, 13, 24-28.

Preston, S. D. (2004). Empathy. In Marc Bekoff (Ed.), Encyclopedia of animal behavior. Hartford, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Preston, S. D., & de Waal, F. B. M. (2002). The communication of emotions and the possibility of empathy in animals. In S. Post, L. G. Underwood, J. P. Schloss, & W. B. Hurlburt (Eds.), Altruistic love: Science, philosophy, and religion in dialogue (pp. 284-308). London: Oxford University Press.

Preston, S. D. (2001). Effects of stress on decision making in the Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys Merriami) (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of California at Berkeley.

Preston, S. D. (2002). Review of Breakdown of Will by George Ainslie. Human Nature Review. 2, 183-186.

Preston, S.D. (1998). Conspecific pilferage in Merriam’s kangaroo rat. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of California, Berkeley.

[1] Authorship in order of contribution, except where noted with PI. In these cases I was lead author but took the last position in neuroscientific convention to give the student first authorship.

[2] The authors contributed equally to this work.

PI Authorship in neuroscientific convention, with PI listed last.

[3] Winner of the Brickman Award for most outstanding paper by a graduate student; featured in Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology by the APA (PeePs).

[4] Winner of the Social Affective Neuroscience (SAN) Innovation award.

[5] Drs. Buchanan and Preston contributed equally to this work.