
On this page you will find links to some of my working papers as well as my published papers. I also have separate pages devoted to three research projects:

Diversity Research

Complexity Research

The Culture Project

Forthcoming Papers and Work in Progress

Individual Learning and Collective Intelligence (with Lu Hong and Maria Riolo)

“Revised Path Dependence” Political Analysis forthcoming (with Jenna Bednar and Jameson Toole)

 “Behavioral Spillovers with Interdependent Institutions: An Experimental Study.” forthcoming Game and Economic Behavior (with Jenna Bednar, Yan Chen, and Xiao Liu).

“Optimal Forecasting Groups” forthcoming Management Science (with PJ Lamberson)
“The Foundations of Collective Wisdom” forthcoming in Collective Wisdom Helene Ladnemore and Jon Elster eds, Cambridge University Press. (with Lu Hong)

“Aggregation in Agent Based Models of Economies” forthcoming in Knowledge Engineering Review

Published Papers

“Predicting Cellular Automata” Complex Systems 19: 343-362, 2011 (with Jameson Toole)

“A Characterization of Equilibria in the Groves Ledyard Mechanism”  Journal of Mathematical Economics” 46:6 pp 1229-1242 (with Troy Tassier).

“The Complexities of Global Systems History”  Journal of the Historical Society 10(3): pp 345-365, 2010 (with Andrea Jones-Rooy

“Emergent cultural signatures and persistent diversity: A model )of conformity and consistency” Rationality and Society 22: 4 pp 407-444, 2010 (with Jenna Bednar, Aaron Bramson, Andrea Jones-Rooy)oordinat`.

“Individual and Cultural Learning in Stag Hunt Games With Multiple Actions” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations 73(3): 359-376, 2010. (with Russell Golman).

“The problem with zoning: Nonlinear effects of interactions between location preferences and externalities on land use and utility”  Environment and Planning B, 37: 408-42, 2010 . (with Zellner, M.L., Riolo, R.L., Rand, W., Brown, D.G.,, and Fernandez, L.E.)

“General Blotto: Games of Allocative Strategic Mismatch” Public Choice Vol 138, pp 279 – 310, 2009. (with Russell Golman).

“The emergence of zoning policy games in exurban jurisdictions: Informing collective action theory.”  Land Use Policy, 26(2): 256-367. 2009. (with Zellner, M.L., Rand, W., Brown, D.G., Robinson, D.T., Nassauer, J., and Low, B).

“Interpretated and Generated Signals” Journal of Economic Theory 144: 2174- 2196, 2009. (with Lu Hong).

“Basins of Attraction and Equilibrium Selection Under Different Learning Rules” Evolutionary Economics 20: 49-72, 2009 (with Russell Golman).

“Basins of Attraction and Equilibrium Selection Under Different Learning Rules (addendum)” Evolutionary Economics 20: 72-75, 2009. (with Russell Golman).

“Agent Based Models,” Oxford Handbook of Political Science Methodology, 2009. (with Scott de Marchi).

“Uncertainty, Difficulty, and Complexity” Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 20: pp. 115 – 149, Apr 2008.

“Making the Difference: Applying a Logic of Diversity,” Academy of Management: Perspectives, October 2007.

“Embracing Chaos and Complexity: A Quantum Case for Public Health,” American Journal of Public Health (with Ken Resnicow and Roger Vaughan) 2008, Vol 98, No. 8 1382-1389.

“The Difference From New Ways of Seeing and Thinking,” Immigrants Joining the Mainstream: E- Journal USA US Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs Vol 13: 2, pp 13-18, 2008.

“A Logic of Diversity,” Association for Women in Science pp 28-29, pp 2008.

”The Power of Diversity” The School Administrator Vol 65(9) pp 35-41, 2008

“Agent Based Models,” in in Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, eds. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd ed., Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

“Agent Based Models,” Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics, 2006. 38.

“Type Interactions and The Rule of Six,” Economic Theory, 30 (2): pp 223–241,2007.

“Can Game(s) Theory Explain Culture? The Emergence of Cultural Behavior Within Multiple Games,” Rationality and Society, 19(1): pp 65–97, 2007. (with Jenna Bednar).

“Exurbia from the bottom-up: Confronting empirical challenges to characterizing complex systems” GeoForum, 39(2):805-818, 2008 (with Brown, D.G., Robinson, D.T., An, L., Nassauer, J.I., Zellner, M., Rand, W., Riolo, R. and Low, B.)

“Conformity and dissonance in generalized voter models,” Journal of Statistical Physics, 128, pp 1279–1297, 2007. (with Len M. Sander and Casey Schneider- Mizell).

“An Ecological Model of Firm Entry and Exit: Why Chains Beget Chains,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(10): pp 3427–3458, 2007. (with Troy Tassier).

“Essay: Path Dependence,” Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 1: 87-115, 2006.

“Can statistical methods on land-use change patterns calibrate agent-based models?” Proceedings, Geocomputation 2005 Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, August 2005. (with An, L., Brown, D.G., Rand, W.)

“Path dependence and the validation of agent-based spatial models of land use,” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Special Issue on Land Use Dynamics, 19(2): 153-174, 2005. (with Dan Brown, Rick Riolo, William Rand, and Moira Zellner).

“Are We Collapsing,” Journal of Economic Literature, pp 1049-1062, December 2005.
– Reprinted in Complexity, Institutions, and Economic Activity, Thomas Dalton (ed.) Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA.

“Computational Political Economy,” in Handbook of Computational Economics, Leigh Tesfatsion and Ken Judd (eds) North Holland, 2005 (with Ken Kollman).

“The Standing Ovation Problem,” Complexity 9: 5, pp 8-16, May/June 2004. (with John Miller).

“Agent Based and Analytical Modeling to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Greenbelts,” Environmental Modeling and Software,19(12): 1097-1109 2004. (with Dan Brown, Rick Riolo, William Rand, and Moira Zellner).

“Computational Public Economics,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 6(2): pp, 259-267 2004. (with Ken Judd).

“On the Existence and Stability of Groves Ledyard Equilbria,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 6(2): pp 311-335, 2004. (with Troy Tassier).

“Groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-ability problem solvers,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pp 16385–16389, November 16, 2004. (with Lu Hong).

“Statistical Validation of Spatial Patterns in Agent-Based Models,” in Proceedings of ABS, 2003. (with Dan Brown, Rick Riolo, Luis E Fernandez, and Moira Zellner).

“The interaction between zoning regulations and residential preferences as a driver of urban form.” 2003 UTEP Distinguished Faculty and Student Symposium, Urban and Regional Planning Program, University of Michigan. April, 2003. (with M. L., Riolo, R., Rand, W. Brown, D. G., Fernandez, L. E.)

“Self Organization and Coordination,” Computational Economics, 18: 25-48, 2002.

“Modeling the Effects of Greenbelts at the Urban Rural Fringe,” in Proceedings of the International Modeling and Software Society, Lugano, Switzerland, June 27, Vol 1: 190–195, 2002. (with Dan Brown, Rick Riolo, and William Rand).

“The Interplay of Difference,” in Proceedings of AGENT 2002 University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratories 2002.

“The Complex Interaction of Agents and Environments: An Example in Urban Sprawl,” Proceedings of AGENT 2002 University of Chicago and Argonne Na- tional Laboratories, 2002. (with Dan Brown, Rick Riolo, Luis E Fernandez, and Moira Zellner)

“Problem Solving by Heterogeneous Agents,” Journal of Economic Theory, 97: 123-163, 2001. (with Lu Hong).

“Decentralization and the Search for Policy Solutions,” Journal of Law Eco- nomics and Organization, 16 (April) 102-28, 2000. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“Consequences of Nonlinear Preferences in a Federal Political System,” in Diana Richards, ed. Political Complexity: Nonlinear Models of Politics, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI: pp 23–45 2000. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“A Day at the Beach: Human Agents Self-Organizing on the Sand Pile,” in Advances in Complex Systems, 1: pp 37–65, 1999. (with Niniane Wang and Hiroshi Ishii). -Revised Version printed in Modeling Complexity in Economic and Social Systems, World Scientific 2003.

“Computational Models from A to Z,” Complexity, 5(1): pp 35-41, 1999

“Political Parties and Electoral Landscapes,” British Journal ofPolitical Science, Vol 28: 139–158, 1998. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“Does Strategy Need Computer Experimentation?” in Advances in Strategic Management, ed. Joel A. C. Baum, no. 15 Greenwich: JAI Press Inc., 1998. (with Mike Ryall).

“On the Emergence of Cities,” Journal of Urban Economics, 45: 184–208, 1998.

“Let’s Make a Deal,” Economic Letters, 175–180, 1998.

“Computational Political Economy,” in The Economy as a Complex Evolving System II, Addison–Wesley, B. Arthur, S. Durlauf, and D. Lane eds, pp 461-491, 1997. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“An Appending Efficient Algorithm for Allocating Public Projects with Com- plementarities,” Journal of Public Economics, 64:3 pp 291–322, 1997.

“On Incentives and Updating in Agent Based Models,” Computational Eco- nomics, 10: pp 67–87, 1997.

“Political Institutions and Sorting in a Tiebout Model,” American Economic Review, pp 977–992, December 1997. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“Landscape Formation in a Spatial Voting Model,” Economic Letters, Vol 55: 121–131, 1997. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“Two Measures of Difficulty,” Economic Theory, 8 pp 321–346, 1996.

“Reducing Informational Costs in Endowment Mechanisms,” Economic Design, 1:1 pp 103–117, 1994. (with Lu Hong).

“Covers: A Theory of Boolean Function Decomposition,” Complex Systems, pp 1–24, 1994.

“Adaptive Parties and Spatial Voting Theory,” in Information, Participation, & Choice, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, B.Grofman ed. pp 161–173, 1993. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).

“Walsh Functions, Schema Variance, and Deception” Complex Systems, pp 125– 135, 1992. (with Dave Richardson).

“Adaptive Parties in Spatial Elections,” American Political Science Review, 86:929–37, 1992. (with Ken Kollman and John Miller).