The Behavioral Ecology of Efe Pygmy Men in the Ituri Forest, Zaire

Robert C. Bailey

AP 86

Robert C. Bailey reports on his observations of sixteen Efe Pygmy men in northeastern Zaire. Bailey lived and worked with the men and their families in the northern Ituri Forest from March 1980 to January 1982—his research was part of a multidisciplinary project called the Ituri Project. Bailey presents data on food production, subsistence behaviors, hunting techniques, relationships between hunters and village dwellers, and other aspects of the Efe society. Foreword by John D. Speth.

The Henderson Site Burials: Glimpses of a Late Prehistoric Population in the Pecos Valley

Thomas R. Rocek, John D. Speth

T 18

The Henderson site is a small, late prehistoric pueblo in southeastern New Mexico. It sits on a crest overlooking the Hondo River in Chaves County. The site contains a multiroom structure with two phases of occupation: the first around AD 1200 and the second around AD 1300 to 1400. This volume presents descriptions and analysis of the ten burials found at the Henderson site.

Late Prehistoric Bison Procurement in Southeastern New Mexico: The 1978 Season at the Garnsey Site (LA-18399)

John D. Speth and William J. Parry

T 12

The Garnsey site is a late prehistoric-protohistoric bison kill site in southeastern New Mexico. During the 1978 excavation, the crew clarified the stratigraphy and chronology of the site and increased the number of bison remains. In this data-rich monograph, the authors present the results of their fieldwork and analyze their findings. In addition to bison remains, researchers found lithics, ceramics, and fire-cracked rock.