Decades on Disease

As coronavirus (COVID-19) commands attention worldwide, CSSH turns to its archives to gain insight. Below, we have collected decades of excellent scholarship on disease and epidemics, highlighting some of our favorite works from our most recent offerings to our earliest issues.


Iyer, Samantha. 2013. “Colonial Population and the Idea of Development.” (CSSH 55-1).

McMillen, Christian and Niels Brimnes. 2010. “Medical Modernization and Medical Nationalism: Resistance to Mass Tuberculosis Vaccination in Postcolonial India, 1948–1955.” (CSSH 52-1)


Briggs, Charles. 2001. “Modernity, Cultural Reasoning, and the Institutionalization of Social Inequality: Racializing Death in a Venezuelan Cholera Epidemic.” (CSSH 43-4).

Anderson, Warwick. 2000. “The Possession of Kuru: Medical Science and Biocolonial Exchange.” (CSSH 42-4).


Stern, Alexandra Minna. 1999. “Secrets under the Skin: New Historical Perspectives on Disease, Deviation, and Citizenship. A Review Article.” (CSSH 41-3)

Tapper, Melbourne. 1995. “Interrogating Bodies: Medico-Racial Knowledge, Politics, and the Study of a Disease.” (CSSH 37-1).


Hohenberg, Paul and Lynn Hollen Lees. 1989. “Urban Decline and Regional Economies: Brabant, Castile, and Lombardy, 1550–1750.” (CSSH 31-3).


Obeyesekere, Gananath. 1969. “The Ritual Drama of the Sanni Demons: Collective Representations of Disease in Ceylon.” (CSSH 11-2).

Rosenberg, Charles. 1966. “Cholera in Nineteenth-Century Europe: A Tool for Social and Economic Analysis.” (CSSH 8-4).

Thrupp, Sylvia. 1966. “Plague Effects in Medieval Europe.” (CSSH 8-4).

By ltwstu

Lecturer of Anthropology University of Michigan Associate Managing Editor Comparative Studies in Society and History