Distinguishing Types and Discourses of Indigeneity: A Conversation with Andrew Canessa, Winner of the 2019 Jack Goody Award

Huex codex 1a loc Image made in 1531 by Nahua Indians in legal case in Mexico and Spain against Spanish administrators who abused them. The Indians were part of the Cortes estate. Cortes was a co-plantiff against the administrators who mismanaged his estate. Image taken from a Library of Congress page.

We are delighted to announce (again) that Andrew Canessa has won the 2019 Jack Goody Award for his essay, “Indigenous Conflict in Bolivia Explored through an African Lens: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Indigeneity.”


2019 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

The CSSH Jack Goody Prize for 2018 has been awarded to Andrew Canessa, for his paper “Indigenous Conflict in Bolivia Explored through an African Lens: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Indigeneity” (CSSH 60-2).


The Specificity of Sources: Simona Cerutti and Isabelle Grangaud discuss their Goody Award-winning essay with Andrew Shryock

Lettres Patentes du Roi

To celebrate CSSH‘s 60th anniversary in 2018, the journal’s editors organized an annual article award in commemoration of the late Sir Jack Goody (1919-2015). Jack Goody was a frequent author and contributor to the journal over the course of five decades. The award named in his honor is granted to the article that best represents the mission…
