2024 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH announces 2024 Jack Goody Award winner Nana Osei Quarshie and Honorable Mention Courtney Handman!


2023 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

Congratulations to Koh Choon Hwee, winner of 2023’s Jack Goody Award!


2022 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH awards the 2022 Jack Goody Prize to Matthew Shutzer, for his outstanding article “Subterranean Properties: India’s Political Ecology of Coal, 1870–1975” (CSSH 63-2).


2021 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH celebrates the essays of Jack Goody Award winner David Mosse and Honorable Mention recipient Amy Chazkel.


2020 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH awards Jatin Dua the 2020 Jack Goody Prize for his superb essay, “Hijacked: Piracy and Economies of Protection in the Western Indian Ocean.” CSSH also recognizes Marvin Chochotte’s article, “Making Peasants Chèf: The Tonton Makout Militia and the Moral Politics of Terror in the Haitian Countryside during the Dictatorship of François Duvalier, 1957–1971,” with an Honorable Mention.
