2023 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH bestows this year’s Jack Goody Award upon Koh Choon Hwee for her article “The Mystery of the Missing Horses: How to Uncover an Ottoman Shadow Economy” (CSSH 64-3). Congratulations! The award jury, comprised of Michael Meng (History, Clemson University), Marc Garrido (Sociology, University of Chicago), and Ajantha Subramanian (Anthropology, Harvard University), had the following…


2022 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH awards the 2022 Jack Goody Prize to Matthew Shutzer, for his outstanding article “Subterranean Properties: India’s Political Ecology of Coal, 1870–1975” (CSSH 63-2).


2021 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH celebrates the essays of Jack Goody Award winner David Mosse and Honorable Mention recipient Amy Chazkel.


2020 Jack Goody Award

A tower of used books

CSSH awards Jatin Dua the 2020 Jack Goody Prize for his superb essay, “Hijacked: Piracy and Economies of Protection in the Western Indian Ocean.” CSSH also recognizes Marvin Chochotte’s article, “Making Peasants Chèf: The Tonton Makout Militia and the Moral Politics of Terror in the Haitian Countryside during the Dictatorship of François Duvalier, 1957–1971,” with an Honorable Mention.


Distinguishing Types and Discourses of Indigeneity: A Conversation with Andrew Canessa, Winner of the 2019 Jack Goody Award

Huex codex 1a loc Image made in 1531 by Nahua Indians in legal case in Mexico and Spain against Spanish administrators who abused them. The Indians were part of the Cortes estate. Cortes was a co-plantiff against the administrators who mismanaged his estate. Image taken from a Library of Congress page.

We are delighted to announce (again) that Andrew Canessa has won the 2019 Jack Goody Award for his essay, “Indigenous Conflict in Bolivia Explored through an African Lens: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Indigeneity.”
