Nora Krinitsky on Michigan Minds Podcast: Prisons and Social Distancing (March 25, 2020)

Nora Krinitsky, DCC project director, on the Michigan Minds podcast (link).Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, Michigan residents have been told to stay at home and follow “social distancing” procedures to slow the spread of the virus. Social distancing, however, isn’t a viable option for the 41,000 prisoners in Michigan’s 31 correctional facilities, says Nora Krinitsky, director for the Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP) and director for the University of Michigan Carceral State Project.

In this episode of Michigan Minds, Krinitsky discusses how the coronavirus may be impacting prisoners—both physically and emotionally—and explains why prisons might face difficulties trying to follow public health guidelines like social distancing. Krinitsky also discusses how PCAP, which brings those impacted by the justice system and the U-M community into artistic collaboration for mutual learning and growth, is exploring innovative ways to engage with prisoners during the coronavirus pandemic.

Listen to this episode of Michigan Minds to learn more.

Read the Faculty Q&A with Krinitsky on America’s prisons and social distancing.

By Matthew D Lassiter

Professor of History, University of Michigan