Critical Carceral Visualities Team Publishes “Images of Detained Youth through an Abolitionist Lens”
The Critical Carceral Visualities research team has published its third StoryMap, Images of Detained Youth through an Abolitionist Lens. These StoryMaps encourage viewers to interrogate the fraught relationship…
Carceral State Project Newsletter-May 2023
Carceral State Project Newsletter-Feb. 2023
CSP Publishes “Deadly Force by Off-Duty Officers”
“Deadly Force by Off-Duty Officers: Investigating Homicides and Brutality by Detroit Police, 1994-2014,” is a multimedia report created by Corey Schneck of the Policing and Social…
Carceral State Project Newsletter-Nov. 2022
Abigail Najar: Documenting Police Brutality and Community Activism (Nov. 29, 2022)
Abigail Najar is a senior at the University of Michigan and a researcher for the Policing and Social Justice HistoryLab, an affiliate of the Carceral…