Are you interested in education and neuroscience of bilingualism?
Join our team!
Undergraduates interested in completing research-based courses such as Psych 326 or comparable research-based courses in Linguistics, Education, Engineering – among many options – are welcome to apply. Experience of working with children, programming, or native-like proficiency with Spanish and Chinese are a strength. Note that we work with children during weekends, so some weekend availability during child-friendly morning/afternoon hours is a must. Our lab training is extensive and takes more than one semester – so commitment for a minimum of 2 consecutive semesters (e.g., Fall/Winter) is required, ~6 hours (2 credits) per week.
Doctoral PhD students are admitted via Developmental Psychology and CPEP programs. Please consider each of those programs carefully, and let us know if you have questions.
Post-doctoral fellows and part-time RAs (20-30 hours per week) positions are also available.
If interested in any of these positions, please contact Dr. Kovelman (kovelman@umich.edu) with a brief statement of interest, relevant background explanation, and CV.