
Application for Programs

MCAIM integrates mathematics with the sciences and with engineering across the University of Michigan and beyond. A primary mission of MCAIM is to initiate and foster collaborative, cutting-edge research connecting different fields.  Towards this goal, MCAIM funds conferences, advanced summer schools, small workshops and theme semesters.

MCAIM Colloquia

The MCAIM Colloquium is a distinguished lecture series, featuring international experts presenting their latest research results to a broad mathematical and scientific audience at the University of Michigan.

Short-term Visitors Program

MCAIM hosts a short-term visitors program. Visitors deliver several lectures or a short course in topics that often adhere to a semester theme.  

Student Engagement

MCAIM supports student engagement in applied and interdisciplinary mathematics through a variety of activities.

Painleve in the Midwest workshop official conference picture. University of Michigan 2019

Van Loo Postdoctoral Fellows

MCAIM manages the Van Loo Symposium Fund and oversees the Van Loo Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The Fellowship Program annually recruits two to three highly talented and promising junior mathematicians working on interdisciplinary problems.

Workshops & Summer Schools

MCAIM sponsors two to three conferences, workshops or advanced summer schools per year. Each event brings 20-100 international researchers to the Ann Arbor campus.