Abdelgader Bader Headshot Smiling

Embrace the Sky: An Interview with Libyan Painter Abdelgader Bader

Fish are an important symbol in Libyan folk art and can be found as carpets and textile decoration throughout the Arab world. They are a symbol of renewal and a sign of abundant livelihood and fertility, and a good omen for the bearer. The red eye in the fish is a talisman to protect from envy and evil.

Embrace the Sky: An Interview with Libyan Painter Abdelgader Bader Read More »

Fish are an important symbol in Libyan folk art and can be found as carpets and textile decoration throughout the Arab world. They are a symbol of renewal and a sign of abundant livelihood and fertility, and a good omen for the bearer. The red eye in the fish is a talisman to protect from envy and evil.