Welcome to the U Michigan REU in Chemistry

Summer 2025 Program (pending funding renewal)
Wed May 30 – Tue Aug 5, 2025 (tentative plan)

August 15, 2024: The University of Michigan REU Site in Chemistry has submitted its proposal to renew its funding for the summers of 2025-27. We will open the applications for Summer 2025 on the usual schedule (open: November 25, 2024; closed: February 7, 2025).

We will post updates about the status of our funding request here. If the result is known prior to February 7, we will proceed accordingly. If the result is not known by then, we will not be able to make any offers unless we get a positive recommendation. In any event, check back here for the latest information.


Funded since 1989, our NSF-REU Site has welcomed over 300 students from around the United States to our laboratories for an immersive, 10-week summer program of research and related professional development activities. Our REU students are part of an active graduate research program in a highly mentored and supportive environment, and join 60-70 of our own undergraduate students who are in residence during the summer period carrying out their own research projects as part of their chemical sciences degree programs.

Summer 2024 Program
Wed May 29 – Tue Aug 6, 2024

Esther Oko
Muhlenberg College
Aiden Cosgrove
Haverford University
Philip Mancino
Cornell University
Ella Chu
Bowdoin College
Samuel Roter
Muhlenberg College
Matias Moreno
Penn State University
Mireya Haran
Seattle University
Andrew Robles
Williams College
Lizzett Solache Salgado
Carleton College
Sophia Lemieux
Brandeis University
Amanda Browne
Hamilton College
Samuel Chackerian
Carleton College
Rachel Lee
Cooper Union
Olivia Lyon
Dickerson College
Fatima Danazumi
Amherst College
Stephanie Reyes Vargas
UPR – Rio Padres
Nina Aargaard
Amherst College


Student School e-mail Professor/mentor
Esther Oko Muhlenberg C eoko at muhlenberg dot edu Prof. Nagorny
Aiden Cosgrove Haverford C atcosgrove at haverford dot edu Prof. Montgomery
Philip Mancino Cornell U pam289 at cornell dot edu Prof. Geva
Ella Chu Bowdoin C echu at bowdoin dot edu Prof. Wolfe
Samuel Roter Muhlenberg C sroter at muhlenberg dot edu Prof. Chen
Matias Moreno Pennsylvania State U msm6568 at psu dot edu Prof. Bartlett
Mireya Haran Seattle U mharan5871 at gmail dot com Prof. Sanford
Andrew Robles Williams C andrewrob090 at gmail dot com Prof. Soellner
Lizzet Solache Salgado Carleton C solachelizzet at gmail dot com Prof. Mapp
Sophia Lemieux Brandeis U sophialemieux at brandeis dit edu Prof. Lehnert
Amanda Browne Hamilton C abrowne at hamilton dot edu Prof. McCrory
Samuel Chackerian Carleton C chackerians at carleton dit edu Prof. Matzger
Rachel Lee Cooper Union rachel.lee at cooper dit edu Prof. Maldonado
Olivia Lyon Dickinson College lyono at dickinson dot edu Prof. Bartlett
Fatima Danazumi Amherst College fdanazumi at gmail dot com Prof. Marsh
Stephanie Reyes Vargas UPR-Rio Piedras stephanie.reyes10 at upr dot edu Prof. Sherman
Nina Aagaard Amherst College naagaard26 at amherst dotedu Prof. Sanford

The University of Michigan REU Site in Chemistry provides a full time research experience in any of our
research groups. The faculty consider the REU to be one of out most important activities because these are exactly the type of programs that got all of us interested in science in the first place!

Please review the research interests of the faculty at the department’s web site. You should assume that many, many possible REU projects exist in everyone’s group. All projects will be supervised one-on-one by a graduate student or postdoctoral mentor.
Descriptions of research clusters /fields of study and associated faculty will give you a good overview of the research areas available to you.
We actively welcome and hold the majority of our spots for students from undergraduate-oriented and community college settings where graduate level research experiences do not exist, and for students from other under-resourced settings.
The U-M Chemistry graduate program is also one of the most broadly demographically diverse departments in the country, and we are completely committed to supporting and promoting a welcome and high-value environment for all of our students.
Brian Coppola, Professor of Chemistry and REU Program Director
Melanie Sanford, Professor of Chemistry and REU Program Co-Director

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs are
funded by the US National Science Foundation.