See Google Scholar for an up-to-date list.
*equal contribution, ccorresponding author
- Turbulent mixing controls fixation of growing antagonistic populations, J. Bauermann, R. Benzi, D. R. Nelson, S. Shankar, F. Toschi, arXiv, 2024
Published articles
- Active hydraulics and odd elasticity of muscle fibers
S. Shankarc, L. Mahadevanc
Nature Physics (2024)
[DOI] [PDF] [bioRxiv]
- Design rules for controlling active topological defects
S. Shankar*c, L. V. Scharrer*, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
PNAS 121 (21) e2400933121 (2024)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Optimal transport and control of active drops
S. Shankar*, V. Raju*, L. Mahadevanc
PNAS 119 (35) e2121985119 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Spatial population genetics with fluid flow
R. Benzi, D. R. Nelson, S.Shankarc, F. Toschi, X. Zhu
Rep. Prog. Phys. 85 096601 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Quantifying and mimicking life
S. Shankar
Physics Today 75, 8, 54 (2022)
- Boundaries control active channel flows
P. Gulatic, S. Shankar, M. C. Marchetti
Front. Phys. 10:948415 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Visceral organ morphogenesis via calcium-patterned muscle contractions
N. P. Mitchell*, D. J. Cislo*, S. Shankar, Y. Lin, B. I. Shraiman, S. J. Streichanc
eLife 11:e77355 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [biorXiv]
- Topological active matter
S. Shankar, A. Souslov, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti, V. Vitellic
Nat. Rev. Phys. 4, 380-398 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Geometric control of topological dynamics in a singing saw
S. Shankar*, P. Bryde*, L. Mahadevanc
PNAS 119(17) e2117241119 (2022)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Thermalized buckling of isotropically compressed thin sheets
S. Shankarc, D. R. Nelson
Phys. Rev. E 104, 054141 (2021)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Emergence of dynamic vortex glasses in disordered polar active fluids
A. Chardac*, S. Shankar*, M. C. Marchetti, D. Bartoloc
PNAS 118(10) e20182181182020 (2021)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Viscoelastic control of spatiotemporal order in bacterial active matter
S. Liu*, S. Shankar*, M. C. Marchetti, Y. Wuc
Nature 590, 80-84 (2021)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Excavating topology to find structure
S. Shankar
Physics 14, 12 (2021)
- Shape and size changes of adherent elastic epithelia
B. Loewe*, F. Serafin*, S. Shankar*c, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
Soft Matter 16, 5282-5293 (2020)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Hydrodynamics of Active Defects: from order to chaos to defect ordering
S. Shankarc, M. C. Marchetti
Phys. Rev. X 9, 041047 (2019)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Kirigami mechanics as stress relief by elastic charges
M. Moshe*c, E. Esposito*, S. Shankar*, B. Bircan, I. Cohen, D. R. Nelson, M. J. Bowick
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 048001 (2019)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Nonlinear mechanics of thin frames
M. Moshe*c, E. Esposito*, S. Shankar*, B. Bircan, I. Cohen, D. R. Nelson, M. J. Bowick
Phys. Rev. E 99, 013002 (2019)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Defect unbinding in active nematics
S. Shankarc, S. Ramaswamy, M. C. Marchetti, M. J. Bowick
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 108002 (2018)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Hidden entropy production and work fluctuations in an ideal active gas
S. Shankarc, M. C. Marchetti
Phys. Rev. E 98, 020604(R) (2018)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Low-noise phase of a two-dimensional active nematic system
S. Shankarc, S. Ramaswamy, M. C. Marchetti
Phys. Rev. E 97, 012707 (2018) (Editor’s suggestion)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Topological sound and flocking on curved surfaces
S. Shankarc, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
Phys. Rev. X 7, 031039 (2017)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
- Probing the shear viscosity of an active nematic film
P. Guillamat, J. Ignés-Mullol, S. Shankar, M. C. Marchetti, F. Saguésc
Phys. Rev. E, 94, 060602(R) (2016)
[DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]