
See Google Scholar for an up-to-date list.
*equal contribution, ccorresponding author


  1. Turbulent mixing controls fixation of growing antagonistic populations, J. Bauermann, R. Benzi, D. R. Nelson, S. Shankar, F. Toschi, arXiv, 2024

Published articles

  1. Active hydraulics and odd elasticity of muscle fibers
    S. Shankarc, L. Mahadevanc
    Nature Physics (2024)
    [DOI] [PDF] [bioRxiv]
  1. Design rules for controlling active topological defects
    S. Shankar*c, L. V. Scharrer*, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
    PNAS 121 (21) e2400933121 (2024)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Optimal transport and control of active drops
    S. Shankar*, V. Raju*, L. Mahadevanc
    PNAS 119 (35) e2121985119 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Spatial population genetics with fluid flow
    R. Benzi, D. R. Nelson, S.Shankarc, F. Toschi, X. Zhu
    Rep. Prog. Phys. 85 096601 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Quantifying and mimicking life
    S. Shankar
    Physics Today 75, 8, 54 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF]
  1. Boundaries control active channel flows
    P. Gulatic, S. Shankar, M. C. Marchetti
    Front. Phys. 10:948415 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Visceral organ morphogenesis via calcium-patterned muscle contractions
    N. P. Mitchell*, D. J. Cislo*, S. Shankar, Y. Lin, B. I. Shraiman, S. J. Streichanc
    eLife 11:e77355 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [biorXiv]
  1. Topological active matter
    S. Shankar, A. Souslov, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti, V. Vitellic
    Nat. Rev. Phys. 4, 380-398 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Geometric control of topological dynamics in a singing saw
    S. Shankar*, P. Bryde*, L. Mahadevanc
    PNAS 119(17) e2117241119 (2022)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Thermalized buckling of isotropically compressed thin sheets
    S. Shankarc, D. R. Nelson
    Phys. Rev. E 104, 054141 (2021)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Emergence of dynamic vortex glasses in disordered polar active fluids
    A. Chardac*, S. Shankar*, M. C. Marchetti, D. Bartoloc
    PNAS 118(10) e20182181182020 (2021)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Viscoelastic control of spatiotemporal order in bacterial active matter
    S. Liu*, S. Shankar*, M. C. Marchetti, Y. Wuc
    Nature 590, 80-84 (2021)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Excavating topology to find structure
    S. Shankar
    Physics 14, 12 (2021)
  1. Shape and size changes of adherent elastic epithelia
    B. Loewe*, F. Serafin*, S. Shankar*c, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
    Soft Matter 16, 5282-5293 (2020)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Hydrodynamics of Active Defects: from order to chaos to defect ordering
    S. Shankarc, M. C. Marchetti
    Phys. Rev. X 9, 041047 (2019)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Kirigami mechanics as stress relief by elastic charges
    M. Moshe*c, E. Esposito*, S. Shankar*, B. Bircan, I. Cohen, D. R. Nelson, M. J. Bowick
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 048001 (2019)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Nonlinear mechanics of thin frames
    M. Moshe*c, E. Esposito*, S. Shankar*, B. Bircan, I. Cohen, D. R. Nelson, M. J. Bowick
    Phys. Rev. E 99, 013002 (2019)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Defect unbinding in active nematics
    S. Shankarc, S. Ramaswamy, M. C. Marchetti, M. J. Bowick
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 108002 (2018)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Hidden entropy production and work fluctuations in an ideal active gas
    S. Shankarc, M. C. Marchetti
    Phys. Rev. E 98, 020604(R) (2018)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Low-noise phase of a two-dimensional active nematic system
    S. Shankarc, S. Ramaswamy, M. C. Marchetti
    Phys. Rev. E 97, 012707 (2018) (Editor’s suggestion)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Topological sound and flocking on curved surfaces
    S. Shankarc, M. J. Bowick, M. C. Marchetti
    Phys. Rev. X 7, 031039 (2017)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]
  1. Probing the shear viscosity of an active nematic film
    P. Guillamat, J. Ignés-Mullol, S. Shankar, M. C. Marchetti, F. Saguésc
    Phys. Rev. E, 94, 060602(R) (2016)
    [DOI] [PDF] [arXiv]