Newest Issue of Absinthe Published!

The Department of Comparative Literature is pleased to announce that the newest issue of the journal  Absinthe: World Literature in Translation is now available.

Titled “Pen and Brush,” the special issue brings together poetry, prose, and artwork that address cultural exchange between Asia and Europe.  This issue was guest-edited by Emily Goedde (UM ’16 Comparative Literature PhD) with generous support from the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan.

Authors and translators include David Jimenéz (trans. Andrea Rosenberg), Wei Yun Lin Górecka (trans. Darryl Sterk), Ryoko Sekiguchi (trans. Shannon K. Winston), and Yang Lian (Brian Holton).

The Department celebrated the release of “Pen and Brush” with a reading and reception on January 20th, 2017.