Silence and Translation symposium, December 3-4
This afternoon at 4, we are very excited to welcome renowned filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha to Rackham Auditorium. Professor Trinh’s lecture, entitled “Speaking Nearby: Voices from Silence,” kicks off the two-day Silence and Translation symposium. The symposium continues this evening with a screening of films by Trinh, as well as by Franco-Burkinabé director Sarah Bouyain. Tomorrow, UM faculty participants join Trinh and Bouyain for a panel discussion.

Celebrating Tagore: Translations through Music, Dance, and Poetry, December 6
This Thursday, December 6, the School of Music, Theatre, & Dance will host “Celebrating Tagore: Translations through Music, Dance, and Poetry” in Hill Auditorium. The evening’s program will include performances by the 90-member University Choir, a 20-piece string orchestra, and students and faculty from SMTD’s Department of Jazz & Contemporary Improvisation, as well as classical Indian dancers and vocalists in a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore’s birth. Author Amitav Ghosh will speak to begin the festivities. The following day, Ghosh will sit down with Anton Shammas and Jonathan Freedman for an Author’s Forum event.

Translation Showcase, December 10
Please stop by our Translation Showcase, 5-8pm on December 10 in Space 2435 North Quad. This is the final event in the Translation Mondays series, and a festive celebration to conclude the theme semester, with presentation of theme semester prizes, snacks, exhibit of student translation projects, videos and more! Students who would like to display their work should contact Meg Berkobien in advance: mmberkobien@gmail.com.
We welcome you to vote for your favorite video from among the finalists for the theme semester video contest. Votes must be cast by December 7. View the entries and read about the participants here.
Upcoming Events, December 3-10
Puerto Rican artist Nayda Collazo-Lloréns—A lunchtime talk and video screening.
Monday, December 3, 11:30am, 3512 Haven Hall
Speaking Nearby: Voices from Silence—A lecture by Vietnamese filmmaker, feminist writer, and postcolonial theorist Trinh T. Minh-ha (UC Berkeley). Part of the Silence and Translation symposium.
Monday, December 3, 4pm, Rackham Auditorium
Film screening and discussion with Trinh T. Minh-ha and Sarah Bouyain—Part of the Silence and Translation symposium.
Monday, December 3, 7:30pm, 2435 North Quad
Inaudible Dictionaries—A panel discussion with Sarah Bouyain, Frieda Ekotto, Mélissa Gélinas, Trinh T. Minh-ha, & Ruth Tsoffar. Part of the Silence and Translation symposium.
Tuesday, December 4, 2pm, 3222 Angell Hall
Celebrating Tagore: Translations through Music, Dance, and Poetry—featuring performers from the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, as well as classical Indian dancers and vocalists in a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore’s birth. Opening remarks by Amitav Ghosh.
Thursday, December 6, 8pm, Hill Auditorium
The Author’s Forum Presents: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh and Anton Shammas, with Jonathan Freedman.
Friday, December 7, 4pm, Library Gallery, Hatcher Graduate Library
Plautus’s The Menaechmi—performed by the students enrolled in RCLANG 325/Latin325, under the direction of Gina Soter.
Friday, December 7, 4pm, The Classics Library on the second floor of Angel Hall
Translation Showcase—An exhibit and reception. Theme semester translation prizes will be awarded, and students from theme semester courses will display translation projects in 2435 North Quad and the Media Gallery.
Monday, December 10
5-6 pm Presentation of Theme Semester Translation Prizes
6-8 pm Exhibit of Student Translation Projects, Videos, and More!