The Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award was established to give recognition to the premier doctoral dissertation completed in each of the four doctoral programs in the school in the prior year. The award was created in honor of Stanley E. Dimond, who joined the faculty in 1950, was named distinguished professor…
News & Events
Anna Almore awarded NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship*
Anna Almore is a 2024 recipient of NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowships. The NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship is one of the most prestigious awards offered to doctoral students in service of completing the writing of their dissertation. Anna is currently working on her dissertation, “Care in Containment: The Geography of Black and Indigenous Encounters within Schooling.”
Crystal Zanders receives an AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship*
Crystal Zanders has been selected as a recipient of an American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship. This prestigious award is highly competitive and selective. The American Fellowship program began in 1888, a time when women were discouraged from pursuing an education. It is AAUW’s largest fellowship program and the oldest non-institutional source of…
monét cooper is a 2024-2025 recipient of the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research*
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has awarded monét cooper a 2024-2025 Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research. The selection committee was impressed by cooper’s scholarly achievements, the quality of her proposed research, and her potential to contribute to education research. Cooper’s dissertation is titled, “Between Freedom and Capture: Quare Youths’ Literacies of Everyday Aliveness in…
Welcome JPEE’s Fall Cohort 2023*
Please welcome Jodi Berry, Kitty Geoghan, and Meg Perry to the Joint Ph.D. Program in English and Education.
Michelle Sprouse is a recipient of the SOE Dimond Dissertation Award 2023*
The Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award was established to give recognition to the premier doctoral dissertation completed in each of the four doctoral programs in the school in the prior year. The award was created in honor of Stanley E. Dimond, who joined the faculty in 1950, was named distinguished professor…
English and Education’s Anna Almore and Carlina Duan are Humanities Institute Graduate Student Fellows for 2023-2024*
The Institute for the Humanities, founded in 1987, promotes interdisciplinary research and discourse in the humanities and the arts. The central function of the institute is to form an intellectual community of faculty and graduate student fellows from various departments who will spend a year in residence in the institute pursuing their research and participating…
Anna Almore is the 2023 student recipient of the Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Equity (dije) Award in the School of Education (SOE).*
This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to diversity, inclusion, justice, and equity in all aspects of their professional work.*
monét cooper to receive a 2023 CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award*
The annual award supports scholars whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences.English and Education PhD student monét cooper is one of two scholars to receive a 2023 CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award. The award is sponsored by The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), a constituent organization within…
Welcome JPEE’s Fall Cohort 2022*
Please welcome Alaina Perez, Stephanie Renteria, Jody Rust, and Melissa Valerie to the Joint Ph.D. Program in English and Education.