Our joint partnership between the Department of English and the School of Education means that students can take advantage of a broad range of faculty strengths and interests, from rhetorical theory and history to new media work to disability studies to composition pedagogy.
A particular strength of our program is the opportunity for students to gain expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative research on writing in colleges and the schools. Our faculty are committed to working with you to craft an individualized program appropriate to your interests and needs. Feel free to contact any of us to discuss the program.
Laura Aull
English Faculty
Composition, applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, writing assessment, writing analytics, genre analysis…Read more
April Baker-Bell
Marsal Family School of Education Faculty
Author of Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy
Anne Curzan
acurzan@umich.eduMarsal Family School of Education and English Faculty
History of English, language and gender, corpus linguistics, lexicography, pedagogy…Read more
Charles H. F. Davis III
Marsal Family School of Education Faculty
Focus is on issues race and racism, systems of oppression, and structures of domination in U.S. higher education and its social contexts.
Barry J. Fishman
fishman@umich.eduMarsal Family School of Education Faculty
Technology, video games as models for learning, teacher learning, design-based implementation research…Read more
Anne R. Gere
argere@umich.eduProfessor Emerita Marsal Family School of Education and English Faculty
David Gold
dpg@umich.eduEnglish Faculty
History of rhetoric, women’s rhetorics, composition pedagogy…Read more
Megan Sweeney
meganls@umich.eduEnglish Faculty
African American literature and culture; ethnography; pedagogy; critical prison studies…Read more
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Program Chair | Marsal Family School of Education Faculty
Ebony is an expert on children’s literature, youth media, and fan culture. Read more...
Daniel Valella
dvalella@umich.eduEnglish Faculty
U.S. minority literatures, rhetorical theory, comparative ethnic studies, queer of color critique. Read more...
Jon W. Wargo
wargojon@umich.eduMarsal Family School of Education Faculty
Reconceptualizes the role of media and technology as it comes to intersect with children’s and youths’ critical literacy learning.