Author: Jessica Darga
English and Education’s Elizabeth Tacke is a Humanities Institute Graduate Student Fellow for 2019-2020*
The Institute for the Humanities, founded in 1987, promotes interdisciplinary research and discourse in the humanities and the arts. The central function of the institute is to form an intellectual community of faculty and graduate student fellows from various departments who will spend a year in residence in the institute pursuing their research and participating…
Michelle Sprouse’s conference paper “Social Annotation and Layered Readings in Composition” was recently published. *
In The Proceedings of the Annual Computers and Writing Conference, 2018 available from the WAC Clearinghouse.
Ryan McCarty and Adrienne Raw are recipients of the 2018-2019 David and Linda Moscow Prize for Excellence in Teaching Composition*
Ryan McCarty and Adrienne Raw are recipients of the 2018-2019 David and Linda Moscow Prize for Excellence in Teaching Composition. This award is given to instructors remarkable for the energy, passion, insight, pedagogical skill and creativity, and commitment they bring to the teaching of writing.
Anne Gere awarded Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize*
Professor Anne Gere was recognized for her project “MWrite: Writing to Learn in Large Introductory Courses Across Campus.” The purpose of the Teaching Innovation Prize is to recognize faculty who have developed innovative approaches to teaching that incorporate creative pedagogies. The prize is sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Center for Research on Learning…
Elizabeth Tacke quoted in Chronicle article on career diversity*
Fifth-year JPEE student Elizabeth Tacke was quoted in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education which explores the concept of career diversity training for graduate students. In the article, Tacke discusses her experience as a student in a new U-M career diversity seminar for graduate students called “Professional Humanities Careers.” The course is taught by two…
Alumni Liz Homan will be serving as interim Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction*
Liz Homan will be serving as interim Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction in Waltham Public Schools next school year. She is excited to lead the district’s teaching and learning, and glad to do so in a district where she already developed so many wonderful relationships.
Anne Ruggles Gere honored as a Michigan Professor of the Year*
The Michigan Association of State Universities has named Anne Ruggles Gere, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and director of the Sweetland Center for Writing, as a Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year. Gere, the Gertrude Buck Collegiate Professor and chair of the Joint Ph.D. Program in English and Education, will be honored by the organization that…
Michelle Sprouse was published in the special issue on Woolf and indigenous IIteratures*
Michelle Sprouse ‘s article “Weaving Tapestries of Sexuality and Race in Woolf’s Orlando and Alexie’s Flight” was recently published in a Virginia Woolf Miscellany special issue on Woolf and indigenous IIteratures.
Elizabeth Tacke has been awarded an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from Rackham*
Elizabeth Tacke has been awarded an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from Rackham. Elizabeth has taught with great success in the English Department Writing Program and in the teacher preparation program in the School of Education.