Not Michigan – Michigan Quarterly Review

Not Michigan

Winter 2023 | Kelsey Zimmerman Reads "Not Michigan” MQR Sound

Kelsey Zimmerman reads her poem "Not Michigan" from MQR's Winter 2023 issue.
It took more than a year for the sickness to settle in my gut, 
star-dense, astro-fury, a bile of thick nectar-rotted 
longing for cider mills, bike rides along the river,
effervescent golden mornings
for which there is no curse. 		
				                                      It’s quiet here. 
The horizon hangs in the distance like a string
waiting to be plucked. All the fields, all the emptiness—
Well, I have enough compunction to fill it. 
I can see so far down these country roads, their parallels
another disease, the next farmhouse
a mile away, windmills cutting up the sky.                

To read the rest of the issue, you can purchase the Winter 2023 issue here.

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