Ashley David – Michigan Quarterly Review

Ashley David

Warsaw Dispatch: Your Place?

My Polish residency officially expired yesterday, and I mourn its passing. Nevermind that my non-renewal of this residency status was due to pressing US concerns and according to original plan.

Warsaw Dispatch: Your Place? Read More »

My Polish residency officially expired yesterday, and I mourn its passing. Nevermind that my non-renewal of this residency status was due to pressing US concerns and according to original plan.

Blog Contributors Wanted: Call for Applications

If you (or a colleague/friend/hero) would like to join the MQR blog contributor crew, please ensure that the application arrives by email to no later than midnight (EDT) on May 15th.

Blog Contributors Wanted: Call for Applications Read More »

If you (or a colleague/friend/hero) would like to join the MQR blog contributor crew, please ensure that the application arrives by email to no later than midnight (EDT) on May 15th.

Warsaw Dispatch: On Daffodils

To commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto Uprising on April 19th, the daffodil was invoked to transform the yellow badge Jews were required to wear during the Nazi occupation into a symbol to “ express your respect and memory of the heroes from the Warsaw Ghetto.”

Warsaw Dispatch: On Daffodils Read More »

To commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto Uprising on April 19th, the daffodil was invoked to transform the yellow badge Jews were required to wear during the Nazi occupation into a symbol to “ express your respect and memory of the heroes from the Warsaw Ghetto.”

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