Georgi Markov – Michigan Quarterly Review

Georgi Markov

Georgi Markov (1929-1978) was a Bulgarian novelist, playwright and journalist. In 1969 he left the country and eventually settled in the United Kingdom, where he worked for the BBC and contributed political and memoiristic essays for Radio Free Europe and Deutsche Welle. His criticism of the Bulgarian communist regime made him one of the leading Bulgarian dissidents of the period. He was notoriously assassinated in London in 1978 by the Bulgarian State Security and the KGB in what became known worldwide as "the umbrella murder."

Georgi Markov Head Shot

A Feeling of Revulsion

The car was gliding over the drying asphalt and everything around me seemed strange and beautiful beyond words. Ruthlessly beautiful. As if nature itself had decided to flaunt all the precious treasures of this land, which I was destined to lose.

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The car was gliding over the drying asphalt and everything around me seemed strange and beautiful beyond words. Ruthlessly beautiful. As if nature itself had decided to flaunt all the precious treasures of this land, which I was destined to lose.

Georgi Markov Head Shot

On Patriotism

neighborhood, our village, our town, our state, our history, our beaches, our apples, our army… are mightier, prettier, tastier, richer, more meaningful, more special, more courageous than those of the rest of the world.

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neighborhood, our village, our town, our state, our history, our beaches, our apples, our army… are mightier, prettier, tastier, richer, more meaningful, more special, more courageous than those of the rest of the world.

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