Introducing Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl – Narrating Nubia: The Social Lives of Heritage

Introducing Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl

Our partners and collaborators are at the core of the Narrating Nubia Collaboratory and we are pleased to introduce our newest partner on this project, Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl. Not only has he served as an invited guest speaker for our group, but he has also worked on the Nubia Odyssey project launching this Fall and will now be joining the Living in Nubia: El-Kurru Present and Past project as a part of our effort to develop an original children’s book.

Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl is a Sudani-American artist, type designer, writer, and language enthusiast, currently studying in Arizona. His recent works include The Miracle of Amanirenas, a fantasy storybook based on the historical encounter between Nubian queen Amanirenas and the Roman empire, and This is How we Write Nubian, an alphabet book introducing the Nubian script and basic vocabulary to early readers (both from Taras Press). He is also the founder of The Sounds of Sudan dedicated to the rich, diverse, and often overlooked musical culture of Sudan, with every classic translated to English.

You can follow and support more of Arbaab’s work on Instagram (@eujayl) and Twitter (@HatimAlTai2).

Characters from Taras Press’s “Read, Write, and Count in Nubian” Project. Illustration by Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl.
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