Interested in exploring Nubian culture, language, literature and history but just getting started? This sampling of scholarly and popular resources centering Nubian voices and perspectives complements those developed by the Collaboratory. Suggestions and feedback welcome! Compiled by Evyn Kropf
هذا الدليل يتضمن قائمة مصادر ومراجع مفيدة لاستكشاف الثقافة النوبية — من اللغات والآداب والعادات والتقاليد والآثار والتاريخ
هذه المصادر تتمحور حول آراء ووجهات نظر نوبية ونرحب باقتراحاتكم وملاحظاتكم — اعداد افن كروبف
Nubia on Social Media
Check out these accounts on other social media platforms as well
#NubianHeritageMonth (July)
Nubian Handwriting Club | نادي الكتابة النوبية
Nubi (app for learning Nubian)
سيد جاير – أغانى نوبية (DORE KOLOD – اللغة النوبية والفنون)
Projects of the Union for Nubian Studies
Dotawo : A Journal of Nubian Studies (open access)
Medieval Nubia Wiki “is a site dedicated to the collaborative publication of scholarly resources for the study of medieval Nubia. It is a site that will grow as scholars from the international community use and contribute to it. Among others, it contains a Source Book on Medieval Nubia, a bibliography of publications regarding Medieval Nubia, and other scholarly information about the region.”
Suntuwekane hosted at Memory of the World “a repository of books pertaining to the field of Nubiology maintained by the Anarchist Nubiology Squad (A.NUBI.S).”
Nubian Image Archive “a public domain repository on Flickr for historical and contemporary images of Nubia”
Browse more projects from the Union for Nubian Studies
From The American University in Cairo (AUC)
Nubia scrapbook (Social Research Center of The American University in Cairo)
Documenting Nubian Culture and Traditions : The Social Research Center in Old and New Nubia, 1961-1975 (American University in Cairo)
“Slideshow: Portraits of Nubian Life” The Cairo Review of Global Affairs (featuring photographs by Abdul-Fattah Eid)
Nubia (The Photographic Gallery, The American University in Cairo)
Theses and dissertations on Nubian culture and history from the American University in Cairo, accessible via their institutional repository (AUC Knowledge Fountain)
- A study of obligations on death occasions among a Nubian group from Besharan Adendan living in Cairo / Najwa Ahmad Shukairy (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1963)
- The Nubian woman in Cairo: patterns of adjustment ; a case study of five families / Shahira El Sawy (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1965)
- Sheikh cult in Dahmit / Nawal EL Messiri (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1965)
- Water and land in a Nubian village / Abdel Hamid El Zein (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1966)
- The impact of environmental change on the marriage institution: The case of Kanuba settlers / Samiha Fahmy El Katsha (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1969)
- Language contact and word order change in Nobiin Nubian / Nahed Adly (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1979)
- The changing role of Nubian women in Khashm El-Girba, Eastern Sudan / Mashaair Sharif Saeed (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1994)
- Status and characteristics of the Nubian short story in Egyptian literature: Layali Al-Misk Al-Atika by Hadjdjadj Hasan Uddul and Arus Al-Nil by Yahya Mukhtar / Muhammad Helmi (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 1996)
- Efficacy of Nubian press in Cairo: A uses and gratifications study 2006 / Syonara Mohamed Adel Tomoum (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2007)
- The attitude of Egyptian Nubian university students towards Arabic and Nubian languages / Sanaa Gamal Abou-Ras (MA Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2012)
- The lucky bilingual: ethnography of factors influencing code-switching among the Nubian community in southern Egypt / Syonara Tomoum (MA Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2014)
- Traversing the urban as a woman in Cairo and Aswan / Mennat-Allah Yehia Mourad (MA Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2015)
- Discourses around Nubians: A critical discourse analysis of Egyptian social studies and history textbooks / Nesma Assem Mansour (MA Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2017)
- On Displacement and Music: Embodiments of Contemporary Nubian Music in the Nubian Resettlements / Fayrouz Kaddal (Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2021)
From SFDAS – Section française de la direction des antiquités du Soudan (including SFDAS Arabic Collection)
From Mission archéologique suisse à Kerma (Soudan)
Explore Nubian Languages and Literatures
Nubian Languages
Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl, “Resources for Learning Non-Arabic Sudanese Languages” (HAZINE, 5 April 2021)
Nubian Handwriting Club | نادي الكتابة النوبية
Nubi (app for learning Nubian)
“Nubian entrepreneur launches project to revive heritage” (Sulaiman Lkaderi, Middle East Eye 27 April 2020) “Meet Fatma Addar, a Nubian entrepreneur behind ‘Koma Waidi’, a project aiming to revive the Nubian language and reconnect new generations to their ancestral heritage”
حكايات زمان (كوما وايدى) بالنوبى فى موزاييك
Tales / حكايات / حواديت
كوما وايدي Koma WalDl : قناة تراثية نوبية
Recordings of tales from “حواديت زينب كوتود” (via Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage [CULTNAT] of the Cultural Outreach Sector of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
حواديت زينب كوتود / جمع إبراهيم شعراوي ؛ إعداد عادل موسى ؛ رسوم سلمى كمال (2016)
الخرافة والاسطورة في بلاد النوبة / ابراهيم شعراوي (1984)
راضية : عن الحكايات النوبية / ابراهيم شعراوي (1967)
حكايات من النوبة / تأليف جمال محمد أحمد ؛ ترجمة وتقديم عبد الحميد يونس (1987)
حكايات الأناو النوبية / بقلم عثمان الأمير (2018)
Short Stories and Novels from Nubian Writers / روايات وقصص قصيرة
محمد خليل قاسم (Muḥammad Khalīl Qāsim)
حسن نور (Ḥasan Nūr)
يحيى مختار (Yaḥyá Mukhtār)
ابراهيم فهمي (Ibrāhīm Fahmī)
ادريس علي (Idrīs ʻAlī)
- (1993) دنقلة : رواية نوبية / إدريس علي
- Dongola : a novel of Nubia / Idris Ali (trans Peter Theroux, 1998)
حجاج حسن ادول (Ḥajjāj Ḥasan Uddūl = Haggag Hassan Oddoul)
- Nights of Musk : Stories from Old Nubia (trans 2009)
- My Uncle is on Labor! (trans 2008)
- (2015) نوستالجيا نوبية : مقالات عن القضية النوبية
- (2007) الصحوة النوبية : صيحة أول في واشنطون– وتوابعها
سمر نور (Samar Nūr)
- (2018) الست : رواية / سمر نور
- (2013) محلك سر : رواية / سمر نور
- (2008) بريق لا يحتمل : قصص قصيرة / سمر نور
Morning in Serra Mattu / Arif Gamal (a Nubian ode as told to E.G. Dubovsky who recorded it in verse, 2014)
Explore Nubian Cultures and Histories through Music, Photography, and Material Culture
Aswan Music Project مشروع اسوان للموسيقى “…The Aswan Music Project aims to promote the emergence and amplification of a “musical civil society” in Aswan: a socially extensive and extensible, culturally and economically vital and viable, locally sustainable social layer in the Governorate, rooted in Aswanese and Egyptian musical traditions, and creatively extended via exposure to diverse global musical currents.”
The Sounds of Sudan on YouTube
سيد جاير – أغانى نوبية (DORE KOLOD – اللغة النوبية والفنون)
Alsarah الساره (and on YouTube) / Alsarah and the Nubatones الساره والنوباتونز
Denise M Doxey et al (2018). Arts of Ancient Nubia. Boston, MA: MFA Publications.
Robert Dvorak et al (2015). Sudanese Nubia. Portrait of a Vanishing Culture. Khartoum: Dal Group.
Marjorie Fisher et al (2012). Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.
Tomomi Fushiya et al (2021). Old Dongola: Continuity and Change from the Medieval Period to the 21st century =دنقلا العجوز: الاستمرارية والتغيرات من فترة العصور الوسطى إلى القرن الواحد والعشرين. Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. available online
Herman Bell (2009). Paradise Lost = Paradeisos dappolin : Nubia before the 1964 Hijra. Khartoum: Dal Group.
Hassan Dafalla (1975). The Nubian Exodus. London: C Hurst.
Robert Fernea et al (1973). Nubians in Egypt: Peaceful People. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
(1962) بلاد النوبة / للدكتور عبد المنعم ابو بكر
Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (UNESCO)
Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile : El Kurru, Sudan (exhibition, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan 23 Aug 2019 to 29 Mar 2020)
Ancient Nubia Now (exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston = MFA, 13 Oct 2019-20 Jan 2020)
- A Young Sudanese American Connects Past and Present “Lana Bashir, a student at University of Massachusetts Lowell, discusses her Sudanese heritage and interest in ancient Nubian culture”
- Ancient Nubia Now: Nubia, Egypt, and the Concept of Race “Dr. Shomarka Keita, Research Affiliate in the Department of Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, discusses race and antiquity through his perspective as a biological anthropologist.”
- Collection page, Art of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, and the Near East, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Geoff Emberling, “Exhibiting Ancient Africa at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: ‘Ancient Nubia Now’ and Its Audiences,” American Journal of Archaeology 124, 3 (July 2020): 511–519 available online
Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia (ASSN) 1963-1969 Project “concerned with the ongoing publication of the very extensive archives relating to the ASSN fieldwork carried out between 1963 and 1969”
Lost Nubia: A Centennial Exhibit of Photographs from the 1905-1907 Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago (available online)