Publications 出版

I. Books 专著与论文集:

2017. Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1964. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

  • Read “Ch. 1, Feminist Contentions in Socialist State Formation” on the UC Press’s website by clicking “Read an Excerpt.”

2004. 《越界:跨文化女权实践》,天津:天津人民出版社。

1999. Women in the Chinese Enlightenment: Oral and Textual Histories. Berkeley: University of California Press.

  • 中译书名《五四女性:口述与文本的历史》,繁体中文版预计2024年由香港中文大学出版社出版,原译稿校对修改中,因此PDF暂时撤下。

1995. 《女性的崛起:当代美国的女权运动》,北京:当代中国出版社。

  • 修订版预计2024年由后浪出版,原书稿校对修改中,因此PDF暂时撤下。

II. Translation & Edited Volumes 译著、 编著:

2016. 与高彦颐合编:《女权主义在中国的翻译历程》,上海:复旦大学出版社。(本书为Translating Feminism in China的中译本)

  • PDF: [序言](郑岩芳译)

2016. 与吕新雨合编:《性别与视觉:百年中国影像研究》,上海:复旦大学出版社。

2015. co-edited with Nan Z. Da. “Feminist Sinologies: A Thematic Cluster.” Special issue, Signs 40, no. 3 (Spring). 

2012. 与张颖合编:《男性研究》,上海:上海三联出版社。

2011. 与邓小南、游鉴明合编:《中国妇女史读本》,北京:北京大学出版社。

2006. co-edited with Dorothy Ko. “Translating Feminism in China.” Special issue, Gender & History 18, Issue 3 (November). Reprinted as Translating Feminism in China: A Special Issue of Gender & History. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

2005. 与陈雁合编:《百年中国女权思潮研究》,上海:复旦大学出版社。

2004. 与杜芳琴合编:《社会性别》,第二辑,天津:天津人民出版社。

2004. 与杜芳琴合编:《社会性别》,第一辑,天津:天津人民出版社。

2004. 与杜芳琴合编:《中国历史中的妇女与性别》,天津:天津人民出版社。

2001. co-edited with Xueping Zhong and Bai Di. Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

1998. 与杜芳琴合编:《社会性别研究选译》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店。

  • PDF: [序言] (收入《越界》第53-64页。)

1992. co-authored with Gary Hamilton. From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society, a translation of Fei Xiaotong’s work with an introduction and an epilogue. Berkeley: University of California Press.

III. Articles & Book Chapters 论文:

2024. coauthored with Abigail J. Stewart and Shelly Grabe. “Women’s Movement Activism in Authoritarian States: Lessons from the Global Feminisms Project.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 49, no. 2 (Winter): 385–409.

2023. “Deng Yingchao (1904–1992): A Feminist Leader in the Chinese Communist Party.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Communist Women Activists around the World, edited by Francisca de Haan, 273-97. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2021. “Feminist Struggles in a Changing China” (Revised and updated edition). In Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics, edited by Ping Zhu and Hui Faye Xiao, 117-56. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

2018. coauthored with Abosede George, et al. “AHR Conversation: Each Generation Writes Its Own History of Generations.” The American Historical Review 123, no. 5 (December): 1505-1546.

2018. “Feminist Struggles in a Changing China.” In Women’s Movements in the Global Era: The Power of Local Feminisms, Second Edition, edited by Amrita Basu, 155-81. New York: Routledge. (Revised and updated for Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics in 2021.)

2016. 《女权寻踪:陈波儿与中国社会主义电影范式的创立》,载《性别与视觉:百年中国影像研究》,第113-160页。

2016. “Communism and Gender in China.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Vol. I, edited by Nancy A. Naples, 329-37. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. PDF: [Online edition]

2015. “From Xianglin’s Wife to the Iron Girls: The Politics of Gender Representation.” In Handbook of the Politics of China, edited by David Goodman, 288-309. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

2015. co-authored with Nan Z. Da. “Feminist Sinologies: An Introduction.” Signs 40, no. 3 (Spring): 545-62.

2015. “Detention of the Feminist Five in China.” Feminist Studies 41, no. 2 (June): 476–82.

2015. “Chine: hauts et bas du féminisme à travers l’histoire contemporaine.” Translated by Paul Géradin. Alternatives Sud 22, no. 4, “Etat des résistances dans le Sud – Mouvements de femmes” (December): 33-39.

2013. 《“逆水行舟”的10年历程》,载谢玉娥主编:《智慧的出场:当代人文女学者侧影》,郑州:河南大学出版社,第293-301页。

2010. co-authored with Ying Zhang. “Global Concepts, Local Practices: Chinese Feminism since the Fourth UN Conference on Women.” Feminist Studies 36, no. 1 (Spring): 40-70.

2010. “Feminist Networks.” In Reclaiming Chinese Society: The New Social Activism, edited by You-tien Hsing and Ching Kwan Lee, 101–18. New York: Routledge.

2010. “Creating a Socialist Feminist Cultural Front: Women of China (1949–1966).” China Quarterly 204 (December): 827-49.

2010. 《创建社会主义女权主义文化阵地:〈中国妇女〉(1949 -1966)》,杨笛译,《南京大学学报》2010年第6期,第58-75页。(论文Creating a Socialist Feminist Cultural Front的中译)

2010. “Le militantisme féministe dans la Chine contemporaine” [Feminist Militantism in Contemporary China]. Translated by Léa Drouet. Travail, genre et sociétés 23, Issue 1: 103-122.

2009. 《社会性别研究在国内外的发展》,《中华女子学院山东分院学报》2009年第5期,第1-7页。

2008. 与贺萧合著:《中国历史:社会性别分析的一个有用的范畴》,李为民译,《社会科学》2008年第12期,第141-154页。(论文Chinese History的中译)

2008. co-authored with Gail Hershatter. “Chinese History: A Useful Category of Gender Analysis.” American Historical Review 113, No. 5 (December): 1404-1421. 

2007. 《全球女权主义与中国》,载荒林等著:《微笑的话语行动:中国女性主义学术文化沙龙文集》,北京:九州出版社,第166-181页。

2006. “Dilemmas of Inside Agitators: Chinese State Feminists in 1957.” China Quarterly 188 (December): 913-32.

2005. “‘State Feminism?’ Gender and Socialist State Formation in Maoist China.” Feminist Studies 31, no. 3 (Fall): 519-51.

2005. “Gender and Maoist Urban Reorganization.” In Gender in Motion: Divisions of Labor and Cultural Change in Late Imperial and Modern China, edited by Bryna Goodman and Wendy Larson, 189-209. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

2005. “Comment on ‘Asian Journal of Women’s Studies: Ten Years and Beyond’ by Mala Khullar,” and “Comment on ‘Developing Women’s Studies at Universities in China: Research, Curriculum and Institution’ by Du Fangqin,” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 11, no. 4 (2005): 32-34, 77-78.

2004. 与刘禾(Lydia H. Liu)、高彦颐(Dorothy Ko)合著:《从〈女界钟〉到“男界钟”:男性主体、国族主义与现代性》,载杜芳琴、王政主编:《社会性别》第2辑,天津:天津人民出版社,第32-60页;后收录于《百年中国女权思潮研究》,第1-29页。

2004. 《面对女权主义学术》, 载刘东主编:《中国学术》第17辑,北京:商务印书馆,第257-280页;收录于《越界》第208-238页。

2004. 《关于大陆妇女学研究与教学的一些思考》,《中国大陆研究教学通讯》第64期,第10-16页。

2004. 《妇女学的全球化与“本土化”》&《关于“gender”的翻译及其背后》,载《社会性别》,第一辑,第16-32页。

2003. 《居委会的故事:社会性别与1950年代上海城市社会的重新组织》,载吕芳上主编:《无声之声(I):近代中国的妇女与国家(1600-1950)》,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所,第165-198页。

2003. “Gender, Employment and Women’s Resistance” (Revised). In Chinese Society: Change: Conflict and Resistance, Second Edition, edited by Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden, 158-182. London: RoutledgeCurzon.

2003. 《女性学的全球化与本土性》,载王红旗主编:《中国女性文化》第3辑,北京:中国文联出版社,第61-68页。

2002. 《妇女学的内容与目标》,《思想战线》第28卷第1期,第102-105页。

2001. “Call Me Qingnian but Not Funü: A Maoist Youth in Retrospect.” Feminist Studies 27, no. 1 (Spring): 9-34. Reprinted in Some of Us, 27–52.

2001. 《浅议社会性别学在中国的发展》,《社会学研究》2001年第5期,第34-44页;后收录于杜芳琴、王向贤主编:《妇女与社会性别研究在中国(1987-2003)》,第19-44页。

2000. “Gender, Employment and Women’s Resistance.” In Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance, edited by Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden, 62-82. London: Routledge. (Revised for second edition in 2003.)

2000. “Feminism: China.” In Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women, edited by Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender, 736-739. New York: Routledge.

2000. 《心智的选择》, 《百花洲》5月创刊号;后收录于李小江主编:《女性?主义:文化冲突与身份认同》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2000年,第203-226页;《越界》第1-24页。

1999. coauthored with Sharon K. Hom, Ma Yuanxi, Tan Dali, and Zhong Xueping. “Roundtable on the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum, 1995.” In Chinese Women Traversing Diaspora: Memoirs, Essays, and Poetry, edited by Sharon K. Hom, 211-42. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.

1998. “Research on Women in Contemporary China.” In Guide to Women’s Studies in China, edited by Gail Hershatter, Emily Honig, Susan Mann and Lisa Rofel, 1-43. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. 中译版《当代中国妇女研究》,收录于《越界》第65-114页。

1997. 《“女性意识”、“社会性别意识”辨异》,《妇女研究论丛》1997年第1期,第14-20页。后收录于《妇女与社会性别研究在中国(1987-2003)》,第77-93页;完整版收录于《越界》,第25-52页。

1997. “Maoism, Feminism, and the UN Conference on Women: Women’s Studies Research in Contemporary China.” Journal of Women’s History 8, no. 4: 126-52.

1997. 《国外学者对中国妇女和社会性别研究的现状》,《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》第24卷第4期,第47-51页。后以《国外学者有关中国妇女和社会性别研究的现状》为题收录于金一虹等主编:《世纪之交的中国妇女与发展》,南京:南京大学出版社,1998年,第27-41页。

1996. “A Historic Turning Point for the Women’s Movement in China.” Signs 22, no. 1 (Autumn): 192–99. 

1995. 《美国女性主义对中国妇女史研究的新角度》,载鲍晓兰主编:《西方女性主义研究评介》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,第259-276页。

1994. 《美国妇女健康运动的起因与发展》,《妇女研究论丛》1994年第1期,第55-59页。

1990. 《美国当代妇女运动起因初探》,《世界历史》1990年第6期,第80-90页。

1988. “Three Interviews: Wang Anyi, Zhu Lin, Dai Ding.” Modern Chinese Literature 4, No. 1&2 (Spring and Fall): 99-148; Reprinted in Gender Politics in Modern China: Writing and Feminism, edited by Tani E. Barlow, 159-208. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.

IV. Selected Book Reviews 部分书评:

2019. Response to book review of Finding Women in the State: A Socialist Feminist Revolution in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1964 by Yang LinPRC History Review, Book Review Series, No. 5, March 2019.

2018. Review of Marriage, Law, and Gender in Revolutionary China, 1940-1960, by Xiaoping CongThe American Historical Review 123, no. 3 (June): 926–927.

2014. Review of The Birth of Chinese Feminism: Essential Texts in Transnational Theory, edited by Lydia H. Liu, Rebecca E. Karl, and Dorothy KoThe Journal of Asian Studies 73, no. 1 (February): 201-202.

2013. Review of Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century China, by Paul BaileyNan Nü 15, no. 2: 367-71.

1996.《评介柯临清著〈从社会性别角度看中国革命〉(Engendering the Chinese Revolution》,载《近代中国妇女史研究》第四期,第337-349页。

1990. “The Chinese Socialist Revolution and the Status of Chinese Women.” Chinese Historians 3, Issue 2: 59-68.