“Strawberry Moon” (2016)
by Barbara Kacicek (1957-)
10 × 10 in., oil on linen
Coppola Collection
Part of an ongoing series from Barbara, commemorating the differently labeled moons that exist.
Each month’s full moon has a name and a meaning, dating back to Native Americans. June’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon because the short season during which strawberries can be harvested happens in June. However, strawberries aren’t native in Europe. There, June’s full moon is called the “Rose Moon.”
June’s full moon is also called a “Honey Moon” or a “Mead Moon” because its position is low in the sky (in our hemisphere at least) and the earth’s atmosphere can give it a warm tint.
The word “honeymoon” refers to marriage’s sweetness, in addition to the European custom of giving newlyweds enough mead to last them a month. But it’s also interesting that June is the most popular month to get married and, as a result, many couples take their honeymoons during the month of the “Honey Moon.”