“At the Ball Park” (Among Us Mortals, 08/20/1950)
by W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962)
18.5 x 15 in., ink on board
Coppola Collection
W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962) was known for his masterful black and white Sunday page, “Among Us Mortals,” sometimes referred to as the Hill Page.
From this August 20, 1950 edition, titled “At the Ball Park” some quotes:
“It’s the seventh inning with the bases loaded, and Junior, true to form, has to be led out to the so-called little boy’s room during the most exciting moments of the game.”
“Webster brought his No. 1 glamor girl to her first call game. She isn’t enjoying it too much. She asks, ‘Which is Laraine Day’s husband?’ Webster explains that these are the Cubs, not the Giants. She’s come back with ‘Oh, isn’t he playing today?’”