I take 500 mg/day of Metformin voluntarily.
A1c remains flat at 5.0% (now measured only every 6 months).
AM blood glucose (by the strips) averages 70 (clinical blood analysis is more like 80). All other measures are dead-on normal (too).
I average 1050 calories a day – 60 g fats, 70g carbs (15g fiber, 18g added sugars), 55g protein and 900 mg sodium
Interesting, I haven’t come out to your site very often so missed these more recent (3 years?) posts. I write a lot also about my Type II, but have only shared my documents with my diabetic students.
Hi John. By exceptional coincidence, I just posted a new “four years later” update with a few strongly held opinions. We do a nutrition unit in the Honors Organic program, based on some of these monitoring ideas, and that has been quite well received.