“November Girls” (Among Us Mortals, 11/21/1954)
by W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962)
18.5 x 15 in., ink on board
Coppola Collection
W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962) was known for his masterful black and white Sunday page, “Among Us Mortals,” sometimes referred to as the Hill Page. Please see the Gallery description for more about Hill.
From this November 21, 1954 edition, titled “November Girls” some quotes:
“The prep school boys, home for Thanksgiving, are on hand for the stag line, thus making glad the November debs, who were worried over dancing partner shortage.”
“The bride-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. Soandso announce the engagement of their daughter Ernadine to Mr. Elihu Swat, etc. Miss Ernadine is a graduate of Miss Gussie Childress’ school for sub-wayward young ladies, and a provisional Junior League member.”