“Ology” Camp

This week campers have been exploring all different kinds of ology sciences! Each day has been different and exciting! We started “Ology” camp with Zoology. Campers began with discussing their first impressions of animals. We found out that campers were divided about pigeons but they all loved turtles!              …

PARTYcle Physics

It was a real party at camp this week learning about physics! On Monday campers learned about sound and light. Campers started the day by learning about the science behind kaleidoscopes and then created their own!   After, campers learned about the chemical reaction in glow sticks through an experiment. They learned that the reaction…

Astronauts in Training

Campers had a blast training to be astronauts this week! Monday began by putting the campers to the test! They started with astronaut training outside. Campers ran an obstacle course, practiced their balancing skills and carried heavy objects to see if they had what it take to go into space! Later, campers made their own…

Chemical Chaos

Campers started the week off with a short intro to chemistry. Once they understood what an atom was, they got to make their own! Later, Campers made a bubbling density concoction. They saw how vinegar was less dense than corn syrup and thus did not interact with the baking soda at the bottom. However, when…

Dinosaur Mysteries

Campers took a step back in time to learn all about dinosaurs this week! Campers used their sleuthing skills to try and figure out some mysteries about dinosaurs! On Monday, campers learned about dinosaur adaptations. First, they talked about the purpose of the stegosaurus back plates and came up with some of their own theories.…