Diversity Recruitment Weekend at UM

Each year the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan runs a Diversity Recruitment Weekend that is designed to provide undergraduate students from underrepresented groups with an overview of the application process to graduate school and tips to succeed in graduate school. It contains workshops, discussions, faculty meetings, and time to socialize with current UM graduate students and other undergraduate peers.

The Diversity Recruitment Weekend this year is Oct 19-21 2017 and applications are due September 18. Please see further details in the advertisement posted below. Apply here.

The Dantzer Lab is strongly committed to the mission of increasing diversity in STEM fields whether it be at the undergraduate, graduate, or faculty level. We are particularly trying to increase the number of applicants for the Diversity Recruitment Weekend that are interested in Biopsychology Area. Please contact Diversity Recruitment Weekend Flyer if you have any questions or are interested in applying.