
Teaching Philosophy

I am a dedicated teacher that emphasizes critical thinking and inquiry based learning. I focus on making the process of scientific discovery exciting and rewarding as well as emphasizing the practicality and importance of scientific research. I am particularly interested in making science and nature accessible, relevant, and important to those living in urban environments.

Teaching Experience

  • Evolution & Behavior, University of Michigan, 2021-present
  • Introduction to Animal Behavior, University of Michigan, 2015-2019
  • Mammalian Social Behavior, University of Michigan, 2020-present
  • Biology of Sex Differences, University of Michigan, 2018
  • Evolution, Development, & Neuroscience of Behavior, University of Michigan, 2015-present
  • Evolution & Behaviour, University of Cambridge, supervision leader, 2012-2014
  • Behavioural Ecology, University of Cambridge, supervision leader, 2012-2014
  • Animal Biology, University of Cambridge, supervision leader, 2012-2014
  • Animal Behavior (instructor), Michigan State University, 2012

Discussion Groups

Everyone enjoys a good paper discussion group! I organize a discussion group at the University of Michigan called the integrative Behavioral Ecology Group Extreme (iBEX). We usually meet every other week in the Fall semester. Check out past topics here.