FAQ + Reuse Permissions Guide – Equitable Teaching


This page contains both answers to some Frequently Asked Questions and our Reuse Permissions Guide. If you have general wonderings about our website or are looking for guidance on how to cite our sources, you are at the right spot.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this website?
Can I copy these materials?
Do I have permission to adapt these files?
Can I share these resources with my colleagues?
How do I contribute to a resource?
Where do I get additional help?
Can someone facilitate a session like this in my class for me?
Is there an associated cost?
How can I get involved?

What is this website?

A project of the Equitable Pedagogies subcommittee of the LSA Undergraduate Education Climate Committee, this website centralizes resources to support instructors in incorporating more equitable teaching methods in their classrooms. It offers a robust database of instructional resources including definitions and elements of equitable teaching, scripts and videotaped simulations of key activities, reflections and advice from journeyed faculty, and narratives from students about their experiences.

Can I copy these materials?

Definitely. You can copy these handouts both for your own use and for dissemination within your teaching settings. We ask that you maintain any acknowledgement information in the downloadable documents so that appropriate credit is given. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how to cite our website or a singular post in APA or MLA format.

Do I have permission to adapt these files?

We invite you to adapt these resources to make them more effective for your practice. We ask that you maintain any acknowledgement information in the downloadable documents so that appropriate credit is given. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how to cite our website or a singular post in APA or MLA format.

Can I share these resources with my colleagues?

Absolutely! Our goal is for this website and the embedded resources to be shared and utilized widely.

How do I contribute to a resource?

We welcome suggestions of additional resources to include. Please share these with us via our Contact form.

Where do I get additional help?

If you want guidance on how to incorporate these resources into your teaching, please use our Contact form to reach us. For further support, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) consults with University of Michigan instructors on any aspect of their teaching.

Additionally, instructors in LSA who teach courses meeting the race and ethnicity requirement (R&E) can contact the Program on Intergroup Relations at igr.info@umich.edu for more resources and support.

Can someone facilitate a session like this in my class for me?

Thank you for your commitment to creating inclusive environments within your classroom. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to visit your class, you can reach us via our Contact form with more information about what you are hoping to do. We will consider these requests on a case by case basis.

Is there an associated cost?

These resources are free for you to use. We are committed to promoting equitable teaching practices and want to make resources like these as easily accessible as possible. Note: If you seek out additional resources (i.e., assistance leading a session in your class), there may be costs associated.

How can I get involved?

So glad you asked—there are lots of ways to get involved! For example, we welcome you to send us resources to include on the website and feedback about what already exists. This project would also benefit from more instructors who are willing and able to coach others on how to approach equitable teaching and the incorporation of resources like these. Additionally, we need people to help us share this site with other instructors around campus. Please use our Contact form to share your interests more specifically, and we will be in touch to discuss them.

Reuse Permissions Guide

We appreciate your interest in our site. Generally, we are very happy to have our resources widely used in educational settings of all kinds. Reuse in a classroom, webinar/ professional development, or for individual reflection are all appropriate, so long as it is not for commercial purposes. If you share our resources, we ask that you please include an acknowledgement of our website or specific page reference, as suggested below in APA and MLA format, in addition to any acknowledgement of the original authors. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the Contact Form.

To cite our Website in Full: 

APA 7 Citation: 

The College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Equitable Teaching at U-M. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/

MLA 8 Citation:

 Equitable Teaching at U-M. The College of Literature, Science and the Arts, https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/. Date of Access.

To cite a specific Post:

APA 7 Citation:

Title of page. (Year, Month Date). Site name. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL

An example:

Social Identity Wheel. (n.d). Inclusive Teaching at U-M. Retrieved December 7, 2020, from https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/sample-activities/social-identity-wheel/

MLA 8 Citation:

“Title of Page.” Site Name, URL. Accessed Date Month Year. 

An example:

“Social Identity Wheel”. Equitable Teaching at U-Mhttps://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching/sample-activities/social-identity-wheel/. Accessed 7 December 2020.

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