- Domestic animals (dogs, cats, etc.) are not permitted on the ESGR.
- Firearms are not permitted on the ESGR.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the ESGR.
- Upon entering and leaving the ESGR, scan the QR code posted on the gate to complete the form to check in and out. Consult the notice boards which may be placed near the North and South gates for seasonal warnings about deer harvesting, hazardous road conditions, fire danger, etc.
- Gates must be closed and locked both after entering and after leaving the ESGR. Gates are not to be left open unattended for any reason.
- Climbing on or over the ESGR fence is prohibited. It is dangerous and invites trespassing by the public.
- Driving should be limited to the main (Esker) road unless use of secondary roads is necessary. Under no circumstances should vehicles be driven off roads. In spring and fall, particularly, secondary roads may be impassable. If you get stuck, it will be necessary to call a garage in Pinckney for service at your own expense.
- Keep within a speed limit of 20 miles per hour on the main road and 10 miles per hour on secondary roads.
- Please avoid blocking ESGR roads with parked cars. If it is not necessary to take your car on the ESGR, parking areas are available just outside the South gate and just inside the North gate.
- Camping and picnicking are not permitted on the ESGR.
- Researchers should minimize their disturbance of the Reserve’s natural condition. Animals or plants should not be taken into the ESGR from outside, nor removed from the ESGR, without permission from the Director.
- Stakes, markers, or pieces of equipment found on the ESGR should be left undisturbed.
- All stakes, markers, or pieces of equipment you bring onto the ESGR must be removed upon completion of your research unless prior approval is obtained from the Director.
- All researchers are encouraged to make available data sets derived from their work on the ESGR (after publication) that can be archived (with appropriate metadata) as part of the long-term database on the ESGR.
- Publications resulting from the use of the ESGR must acknowledge the ESGR. Please submit a hard copy of all publications generated from work on the ESGR to the Director.